
Is it true that there are many Republicans who think only they are right and the rest of the world is wrong?

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Is it true that there are many Republicans who think only they are right and the rest of the world is wrong?




  1. That's pretty much true of anyone who is passionate about what they believe in. Wishy-Washy people don't believe in anything.

  2. YES that is very true...especially when it comes to the war in Iraq and religion.

  3. Pretty much anyone on the face of the Earth thinks they are the only one right and the rest of the world is wrong; it's part of human nature and people not willing to keep an open mind.  It doesn't matter whether you are Republican, Liberal, Black, White, Athiest, Mormon, American, Chinese......everyone thinks they are right, and everyone else is wrong.  I do believe in many situations there is a definate right answer as well as a definate wrong answer.  I just wish people would be willing to accept what's true, even if they don't want it to be true and even if it is inconvenient to them.  And, I know I'm right about that ;0]

  4. Yes. It's a type of psychosis.


    See what I mean? "Libsticker's" response is a perfect example.

    You are NOT right about "drill here drill now" since it is insane to feed a destructive addiction which we'll have to abandon anyway. To destroy ecosystems in order to squeeze out a couple more drops of oil? INSANE.

    You are NOT right about abortion. Period. It is a clump of cells up until about three months, which is when 99% of all women get their abortions ANYWAY.

    You are NOT right about "immigration and sealing our borders" any more than WE are right. I haven't met a Democrat YET who said we aren't supposed to protect our borders. The difference between YOU and US on the immigration thing is that we don't think immigrants are the devil. And it is SO LAME to try to talk about the crime statistics involving immigrants. Is a person any deader if they're killed by YOU or by an immigrant? No.

    And you most certainly are NOT right about g*y marriage. It is none of your freaking business.

  5. Most republicans are that way--they don't listen to another persons point of view.  Democrats are willing to listen and you can have a reasonable conversation with them.  I'm not sure about liberals though since they are a different party than democrats, it would be nice if some of you airheads knew that.

  6. yes because they are not  "democrats". a democratic is a person who advocates democratic principles.

  7. There are Democrats that think only they are right and the rest of the world is wrong! Look at the infighting in the Democrat party!

  8. Yes, but there are many more liberals like that.

  9. You got that right!


  10. Yes, just as its true on the Left...although for some odd reason I dont think you know that ; )

  11. Absolutes are silly.  Sort of like your statement.

  12. about what? if you are talking about reps thinking they are right when it comes to the knowledge that the democratic party has been taken over by the extreme liberal socialists of our country, you are correct.

    or that the communist/democrats of which Obama is one, are weak for America, you are correct.

    or that the socialist dems will raise taxes on the working class, you are correct.

    or that the push to socialism in this country is not good for any of us, you are correct.

    The rest of the world thought Hitler's nazism and Stalin's communism were something we could live with, and appeased us right into WW2. It took the sane that remained back then to conquer nazism and communism, and now terrorism, whereas most of the libs in the world still think appeasement is a great way to go.

    And your assumption that the rest of the world is in disagreement that socialism and communism are evil and defeatest shows how little informed you are

  13. As do many Democrats....and Communists.....and Islamicists.

    Guess it's kind of a human condition.  Of course I could be wrong.

  14. There are people like that in walks of life. Open your d**n eyes!

  15. In the words of Ronald Reagen " There you go again ". Opened your mouth and your wrong again.

    Remember, don't you fall into the trap democrates are full of c**p!.

  16. Why believe in something it you don't believe it's right? Unless you're not true to yourself.  

  17. That's a very good question indeed, some Republicans can be out of touch with the world, but not many Republicans think the the rest of the world is wrong, they feel more that the rest of the world makes mistakes.

  18. Happily, the two Republicans in the White House who evince that type of thinking will be returning to their well earned obscurity in January 2009.

  19. About what issue?  It's true we are right about drill here, drill now.  Because we don't have the technology to currently relive the pressure of the current demand.  I agree the democrats are right about promoting alternative energy sources and would like to see a comprehensive plan that would bring all alternative energies to a more predominant position to include Nuclear.  

    Are we right on Abortion.  I say yes, a very divissive issue, but my conscience is what I have to deal with, you may think I am wrong, so be it, but your not going to convince me otherwise.

    Are we right on immigration and sealing our borders.  Ask the family of the three deadmen in San Francisco and I am sure they think that as nothing more then a form of security we are right.

    Are we right on g*y Marriage, again a moral issue, that speaks to your conscience.  I think the most important thing on this issue, is that the only way I know someone is g*y is if they tell me.  If they keep it in the bedroom then it is a non issue.  The only way I know a person I meet on the street is a Baptist, Catholic or Atheist is if they tell me too.  

    Are republicans right on all issues, no.  Are democrats right on all issues no.  But suffice it to say, that as a group of citizens, that have been targeted by foreign terrorist, we are right on the most important issue, and that is to protect ourselves from all enemies foreign and domestic.

  20. Yes.  If you disagree with them they are quick to label you an extremist.

    Concerned about the environment?  EXTREMIST!

    Don't like the war in Iraq?  EXTREMIST!

    Don't think that drilling is the answer?  EXTREMIST!

    Strangely enough, this works!  I guess there is something about the human psyche that makes us all want to conform.

  21. I dated two women who were die hard Catholic Republicans.  If I presented one Democratic view, I would instantly be starting an onslaught of argument upon myself as to how I was wrong.  It was ridiculous...  They are so close minded that they should be considered brainwashed zombies...  Very dedicated to what they believe in though, bad for relationships and such.

  22. Most of us use logic and fact to justify our views. There are some far righters that are like that, pretty much the same as the far left liberals.

  23. A large percentage of the world agrees with the Republican Party and this has increased during the Bush Presidency.  Canada, France and Italy all turned their backs on Democrat/Socialist ideals and elected Republican/Conservative/Capitalist leaders.  The world thinks the Republicans are right it's only the Democrats that are wrongly marching toward socialism.

  24. We don't think we're "right" we know we are.  Don't you guys call us "right-wing"??  I never hear "wrong-wing"!  lol

  25. It is a fact from both sides. It always has...

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