
Is it true that there are more trees today than there were 200 or 300 years ago (personally think not)?

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But I heard someone make that statement...




  1. Yes, but...

    People used to use wood for everything, construction, fuel, etc.  Now we use many other things too.  That has allowed trees to recover.

    But, many trees today are in stands of one kind of tree, all the same age.  On "tree farms".  We have fewer ecologically sound and diverse forests.

  2. I'm not really sure.  Can you count them all and get back to me?

  3. Believe it or not there are more tree's.   As the mature one's are being taken out , they are replacing plus, a big thanks to the  airports(not all of em yet, but B.A. DUE TO THE CONJESTION in the high ways they have donated tree's to be planted due to the airplanes emmissions and  perhaps guilt  to Mother nature) So ''THANK YOU B.A.''     Good Question

  4. What I have heard is that the tree or lumber co. have Sean the need so they plant many trees . So there is more trees than there was 40 years ago. We are not doing as good as we can but we will do better.

  5. I personally think that we have less trees now.  I live in central America Panama and now they are cutting down an extensive amount of trees and all the wild life to make the expansion of the canal.  It is very sad but it must be done since we must assure that we have more ships cross the panama canal.  Lets not look at only Panama lets see what is happening in Brazil and other countries trees are just being taken down  that sad and dangerous for us humans?

  6. the globe used to be covered in forrests

    just England was a collection of forrests

    so was Spain and the rest of Europe

    ,lebanon,theSahara used to be forrests etc.

    take a look at the planet today from a distance look at the areal photos from space ,and you will never ask such a silly question again.

  7. There are 6 energy measures that tell the arbor story.  There

       is one percent less tree covered land than 200 years ago.

       One is ancient, during the warmest periods trees are

       dormant.  This drastic rest leads them to upstart period.

       Here is the source of legends like Lord of the Rings.  When

       spirit trees came into being.  Next the fruitopia period and

        this is the longest. Also called the creation period, like the

        garden of Eden, there was a shortage, and portage,

       polimetrics took shape having pod explosions and coconuts

        floating quite navigationally to new lands.  Then the volcanoe ages thinned out the weeds.  Then the earliest farms had scratching trees and sabertooths making giant

      emu and strange fauna carrying the first edible pods, like

       fruits to new places.  The orchard period as today, there are

        25 million domestic full sweet orchard trees.  There is a

        game reserve of 240 million nearly domestic orchard sweets still in this savor tooth period led by elephants presently.  If counted by species there are 720 trillion trees.

       This does not include saplings, buckled, or damaged,

       twisted or dwarfed.  Odd trees is about 1 more trillion.

       Apples of wild types due to their unreachable locations is

        quite common about 30 billion.  Next are figs, dates,

         palms, tangerines, lemon, and plums about 10 billion total.

        In one square mile of healthy pines of 50 feet tall, there are

        200,000 trees.  Remembering the earth is not flat, and

        there are still many uncharted areas, tree covers about

       30% of the planet.

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