
Is it true that there are no pure Negroes in East Africa?

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it says so on the Tanzanian travel broacher




  1. depend on what part of east africa.Like kenya and tanzania most of the people in those countries are pure negroes.But in countries like ethiopia,somalia,eritrea and djbouti yeah its mixed people..

  2. in tanzania there are mostly of arab or persian or indian descent (alot of them came alot of hundreds of years ago)

    and most are muslim but thye have some blacks i think

    acccording to the ciaworld factbook the ethnic groups in tanzania are

    mainland - African 99% (of which 95% are Bantu consisting of more than 130 tribes), other 1% (consisting of Asian, European, and Arab); Zanzibar - Arab, African, mixed Arab and African

    but on zanzibar island( by dar es salaam) is mostly arab and mixed african

  3. I don't know how true that is,

    I've lived in Uganda, Kenya and Sudan for a long time, and I know whole tribes of people that have never stepped outside of their own race, and are 100% Pure Acholi for as long as they can remember...

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