
Is it true that there are "no-go-areas" for black people in Eastern-Germany?

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Is it true that there are "no-go-areas" for black people in Eastern-Germany?




  1. I am German and my wife is African American. I would not go to Eastern Germany (with the exception of Berlin) with her. It's not likely that something would happen but black people get a lot of unfriendly stares and are not made felt welcomed. That is true in most areas in Germany, but in particular in Germany. Depends a little bit on how thick of a skin you have (my wife had a thin skin), and she did not like most areas in Germany.

  2. It is true that there was a politician who said that foreign nationals should keep away from rural eastern areas, but he also went ahead and said that it was wrong to say so. He said it was wrong to stigmatize one of the German states as being hostile towards foreigners.

    There is no such thing as a no-go-area in Germany. I wouldn't go through rural areas during the late evening and on my own... but I wouldn't refrain from doing so because of my skin color (I am Caucasian), but because I am a woman.

    I don't have this concern because I am in Germany, but because there are criminals in every country and I know that I might be less capable of defending myself than a man would be.

    There is no such thing as a no-go area in Germany... Just mind the normal precautions of safety... nothing you wouldn't expect in the States either.

  3. I already was missing this kind of's not true and black people can go everywhere.

  4. What do you mean by "no go areas?"  I have lived in Eastern Germany Thuringia Weimar and it was perfectly safe no matter your ethnicity.

    Now not to say that their is not race hate there but it is not as bad as it is the USA that is for sure. Just use your normal logic of safety walk with friends and not along and know which bars and coffee shops the groups that hang out, they can be clicky.

    As far as the East goes I do not even refer to it as east any more its ALL Germany to me now.  Weimar is a beautiful city as is Leipzig and many others I saw. I do like the West as well of course.

    I plan to move back to the East. So I would say the only no go areas would be the same ones you would avoid anywhere in the world, places where their is racial hate and such. Other than that I would not be too worried.

    Try to have fun and not be too worried!! Make a few friends there and you will be totally safe!!  Learning the language as best as you can is also a good way to make those friends also! Do not be shy, approach and introduce yourself and try to speak.  Viel Gluek. Good Luck.

  5. The people who are telling you "no" are White and haven't experienced racism, so don't listen to them. There are in fact some areas in the east that you should not go to because people are backwards and racist. Don't believe what you hear, there is in fact still racism in Germany.

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