
Is it true that there is a lot of sexual pressure in high school???

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like they portray in the teen movies??

I live in a smallish town, but idk if it's the same or not.

please explain???

btw, is anyone else watching the teen choice awards on monday???




  1. in some schools, like big school, there is. i go to a school with about 700 kids and there isn't a lot of pressure. it's definitely not like in the movie; they just make it more dramatic so people can watch it. most guys will only try to pressure girls who act S****y.

    what time and station (like abc, nbc, etc.) is it coming on? i didn't know about it,

  2. There can be yes. Mostly it's the common feeling of "everyone is doing it" that can make you feel like a freak for being a virgin.

    There are also some guys who will say things like "if you loved me you would do it" or "it's not a big deal as long as we don't actually have s*x" or they say that they have to "finish" or they'll be in pain. Just know that none of those things are true. There is nothing wrong with waiting and you don't have to justify your sexual decisions to any one.  

  3. wow how come in the US  teens are very active sexually??

    i mean in Puerto Rico this aint as normal and this sexual preassure isnt experiences in high school even though teens do have s*x but not in that high rate

  4. Yes there is, but its not always like the movies...

    And No

  5. No, there isn't.

    It isn't at all like the movies.

    I was never once pressured to have s*x or do drugs or drink. Anytime I wanted to do anything that wasn't good for me was due to my own stupidity.

  6. No one in my school talks about it but you know that there is pressure because about 10 people in my school just this year got pregnant. I would think that especially the popular students would feel a lot of sexual pressure and they would give into it just to stay popular. My town is fairly small with just about 500 people in my high school. I don't plan on watching the teen choice awards.

  7. There was and I'm sure still IS at the high school I went to (I graduated in 2001).

    This is why my children will be homeschooled.  

    There is too much crud in public schools these days that I don't want my children exposed to.

    I will tell them what is out there and what to be aware of and let them know about those things, but I don't want them to have that peer pressure that I did.  It is not worth it.

  8. yea thers plenty of sexual pressure in high school. alot of ppl are alredy havin s*x in high school so you may feel out of place if your not havin s*x

  9. It really depends on who you choose to befriend.  Some groups of friends do tend to be more sexually active than others.  I suggest you find friends who share the same values as you do.  

  10. truly depends on the school, some are very sexual.. while others aren't as much.

    and no, im not.

  11. Oh yeah... lol, but don't give in to it!

    And yes I am! I'm so excited for the M & M and ACDC dance off. :p

  12. its differnt in every state and school. movies don't always portry real life like it is so don't believe teen movies.

  13. yes, there is alot, but not as much as they show in movies, like mean girls.. etc. etc

    dont worry =]

  14. There isn't any sexual pressure for nerdy girls that are obsessed with the jonas brothers lol.

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