
Is it true that there is a nuke hand grenade?

by  |  earlier

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If it is true i want information.





    a nuke has a blast radius too large to be a grenade, unless you can throw one 2 miles.  

  2. NO

  3. no

    but in theory if you could compress it enough.. you could get even a small  bit to become super critical.. (fuse or fission)  

  4. No the over pressure from a hand grenade going off would wipe out every living thing for 3 miles

  5. they do exist

    but the only man able to use it and survive is chuck norris

  6. would you really wand to carry it around hooked on your vest with all the radiation poision.  i sure hope no one ever asks me to carry it

  7. Um, no. Nukes are very heavy. Also you'd have to throw the thing a heck of a long way to keep from blowing yourself up or getting the radiation. There was a nuclear artillery projectile in the 1950's that was cancelled because the range was too short and you'd blow yourself up if you tried to use it.

  8. No, but the USSR had nuclear weapons that could fit into a briefcase.  Where they are now is another story.

  9. you'd have to have a h**l of an arm to throw THAT thing far enough away to survive the blast...wouldn't you?

  10. if you wanted to use it, you'ld have to go to the moon where the zero gravity would take it away


    ask yourself if that seems logical

  11. there's the shoulder launched 'davy crockett'....but i dont think theres an actual 'hand grenade'.....

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