
Is it true that there is a period of global cooling taking place now?

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If ts true, then please provide me with at least one website, preferably in the .edu or .gov domain, that proves this.




  1. ^^ Pretty much what he said!

  2. I'd say watch the atmospheric measurements taken 2 weeks prior to 2weeks after the Olympic games in China. Of most interest would be water temps in the upper Pacific between China and Canada. This may prove the 9-11 aftermath of evaporational increases as eluded to in the pbs documentary. It may also prove the cloud ,or cloudless claims in that theory.

  3. It really depends on how you look at the data.  If you look at the data from 1998 onwards, then yes there is a decrease in global temperatures, if you look at the temperature from the 1970's onwards, then there is still an increase.

    When talking about trends one must substantiate why they have picked the specific time interval because you can pretty much create any trend you wish when looking at individual segments of a cyclic or near cyclic cycle.

    Overall there is still a warming trend compared to the 30 year average, but if you look at the 10 year trend, then yes, there is a slight dip in global temperatures, however, you must also remember that in 1998 global temperatures were pushed up by an unusually strong El Nino.

    Now this neither proves or disproves AGW, but it is taking a unbiased look at data rom both sides of the debate as they say the same thing, its just the reason why that is different.  The Statistics are virtually the same.

  4. It doesn't look like anyone's provided you with any .edu or .gov sites that say we're in a period of global cooling now.  That's because we aren't.

    People often confuse short-term weather fluctuations with long-term climate shifts.  There are annual and multi-year cycles that will influence the average surface temperature for a given year or couple years, but over a longer-scale it's clear that they're just noise.  The chart below shows numerous yearly drops/spikes and several evident multi-year bumps:

    But it also shows a clear multi-decadinal rise in the temperature. The long-term rise is only about 0.15 C/decade, so it's not valid to arbitrarily select any specific 5 or 10 year period and say "see it's warming/cooling".

    Climate, according to the World Meteorological Organization, is defined as the average of weather over a 30 year period. This has been a long accepted international standard (not something arbitrarily selected to prove global warming), so anyone claiming global cooling based on the past 10 years is clearly not adhering to scientific norms for determining such a phenomena.

  5. Be careful what U look at. Some of the scientist report are biased. If they said there was no problem ,then there would be no money to study a problem that might not be a problem. Then many of these scientist would be out of a job.  

  6. steve you are talking absolute nonsense. the last ice age didnt cover the whole earth. where did you hear that?  to your question i heard that too the other day from a reputable site but i cant for the life of me remember where, could have been the met office

  7. The government tries like h**l not take any official stance on global warming.  So .gov sites are hard to come by..

    I would first look to

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

    global cooling...(the next ice age), wont' happen until the earth is almost completely covered in water.  Then the suns rays will not have a surface to absorb heat into and the water will largely reflect off of the oceans.  The light that doesn't reflect will cause violent supermassive hurricanes that last for months, then eventually years...  Then the entire earth basically becomes a big popscicle for the next 5000 years..that's when sea level falls because of a shift in the global hydrologic cycle: water is evaporated from the oceans and stored on the continents as large ice sheets and expanded ice caps, ice fields, and mountain glaciers.... and until the poles reform into enough accumulated ice mass allowing more land mass to be exposed again, the earth won't begin warming.  There would be very few inhabitable places left on earth during this time.

    We are basically sitting on top of the beggining of the next ice age.....but it could be either starting now, or 10000 years from now....  nobody really knows...all they have is prediction based on the last 400k years of data.  See below.

    The faster we warm the earth, to melt all the ice and raise the oceans, the faster we begin the next ice age.

  8. Yes , a slight cooling trend .

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