
Is it true that there is an inner beast in all of us? Im very serious about this question.?

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Ive had some recurring dreams about myself turning into this horrible creature that has claws and a pair of wing. The creature also has spikes on its back and is jet black with glowing eyes. i know some may say that i may have seen this somewhere but i havent. its really weird. its like in my dream at first im my normal self and then all of a sudden im this creature.




  1. Hm.  It's been decades...but I seem to recall something about what

    Freud or Jung may have hypothesized about human psychology.

    Hm.  I think it was Id, Ego, and Super-Ego.  The "Id" being the

    subconcious "animal" side of our nature (see/smell = react).  

    I think it was presumed by later researchers to correspond to the

    hypothalimus (sic?) or 'reptile brain' in the brain stem.  The Ego

    was what we presented to the World...our personality and concious

    mind.  I'm not sure I recall what the Super-Ego was.

  2. ur r part of lucifer

  3. The "beast" does seem to be a common symbol for that part of us that isn't nice. The part of us that is greedy, cruel, self-serving and violent. The mind seems to try to separate out this side, thereby personifying it as some horrible monster. Once you learn to accept that you are not, cannot, will not ever be a perfectly good human being, the dual nature seems to dissolve.

    Often times I think these dreams are a cry for recognition from this oft denied part of ourselves. We don't need to, and honestly shouldn't, act upon the vast majority of impulses that come from this part of our selves, but it should be acknowledged that it is there.

  4. the Bible distinctly describes all of us before the new birth experience has undergone as brute beasts,beastly natured  etc... we are like cages(hosts) for demons of all vocations until we are born again

  5. Our dreams are ways for our unconcious mind to tell us thing we don't see while we are awake.

    You turning into somekind of horrible creature, is symbolic probably of you developing somekind of terrible habit of developing somekind of horrible personality. Or of you turning into something thats not good.

    If this is the case then you can catch it early on and stop it before its too late.

  6. Yes there  is a beast inside all of us that we always try to hide or didnt even know but sometime you have to let it out to control it. =)

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