
Is it true that there is no law on cruise ships?

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someone told me that lots of murders and rapes happen on cruise ships because they are not on land and therefore not under any particulaar jurisdiction. this can't be true, surely?




  1. Not true, but it isnt the safest place on earth to be... cruises are fun and worth the risk I think...

  2. Don't worry, baby. I'll keep an eye on you.

  3. I have been on at least 12 cruises and have never had any trouble.  Believe me they have security, handcuffs and a place to lock you up if you get out of hand.  But I heard they kick you off at the next port if it is not too serious.

  4. There is an internationally agreed-upon set of basic laws that are in force on ships in international waters.  However, crimes do occur on cruise ships because there are:  1. criminals who go on cruises just to commit crimes.  2.  people from free, open societies who go on cruises to have a good time.  There people let their guard down, and can be easy prey.  3.  There's only so much ship's staff to observe the passesgers.

  5. They feed you alot of bull. If you are on an american ship, then you are on american soil as far as the law is concerned. Also the Captian can have you arrested, he will uphold all laws out at sea. If you are on another countries ship other than an american ownen them that is another matter.

  6. That is not true.  There are laws and regulations for on the ships.  They have to ben handled by different jurisdictions possible the FBI, but they have laws.  Just because you see this stuff on TV saying that nobody is doing anything when my daughter or brother disappeared does not mean you you have to believe it.

    The people that go through this are stressed and upset and feel like nothing is being done.  They are upset that the cruise ship it happened on is still cruises and not docked in port.  A hotel does not stop running when something happens there.  Also don't get a false sense of security while you are onboard.  Many people do this and they should not.  Always keep your door locked, don't invite strangers into your room.  Don't stand on  your balcony when you are drunk.  There are things you do when you are home to keep yourself safe and the same should happen while on vacation.

  7. No every cruise ship even has a small jail on it.  There are security guards and they inforce conduct on the ship.  There are definitely rules and regulations that have to be followed...

  8. That is partly true.  The law changes with whatever country's waters you are in, but the cruise line also sets their own laws.  For example, you might sail into a country where there isn't a gambling age or something, but the cruise line's gambling age is 21.  Just stuff like that.  But usually the rules on the ship are safer or more strict than the country you're in.  Most of the rules are the same as U.S. laws but there are a few differences.  I hope I helped you out.  I was curious about that too when I went on my first cruise.

  9. It's absolutely NOT true.

  10. there's that flag flying at the back of a ship....that means its part of a country, and that countries laws are in force......and most places that register cruise ships...Panama, Bahamas, Greece... have a pretty similar set of laws to the US and, yes, there is law on the sea and your friend is feeding you a line of twaddle..

    the law on a ship is enforced by a "Master At Arms"  or Chief Bosun's Mate or Chief of Security.......he or she holds authority under the Captain, the way a sheriff holds authority from a mayor ashore......and like any village with 1500 residents and 3,000  tourist transients, there will be crime; probably less than ashore because the crew is under stricter discipline than civilians in a village, and 99.9% of the transients are  out for a Good Time...

  11. You are under international law.  That is why you can gamble if you are old enough, but rape and murder are out of the question.  Imaginative friends you have there.  :)

  12. I don't think so.

  13. not true my dad works on ships and sometimes on oceans liners and country's own parts of the sea so laws change

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