
Is it true that there will be 2 moons in the sky 27 august ?

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i heard that its because mars will be so close to the earth and that this wont happen again for thousands of years....




  1. mars will never be close to the earth that only happens in science fiction movies and stuff like that but then again if you look at the world today and the news and look up stuff like a flying car its not impossible but mars will never be close to the earth unless some one makes a crazy doomsday thing and it can bring objects from space toward the earth and as i said before that's only in science fiction movies

  2. Yes there will be... just cross your eyes. =P

  3. no. you need to start reading real information and not recycled garbage.



  5. No, and there haven't been two moons in the sky for the last five August 27's either.

  6. No, and if Mars was ever that close to look like the size of the moon, we'd have a lot more to worry about.

  7. No it's not quite that... On the 27th august 2009, Earth and Mars will unusually pass close to each other and thus Mars will look like a moon of Earth.. well a bit smaller than our moon. But this happens every 2 years.. It happened last on the December 18, 2007 and may occur in 2009. Take a telescope and look at Mars then... It's spectacular :-)

  8. That is still circulating from 2003 when a poorly informed news reporter misunderstood that Mars was going to be as bright as the Moon so he wrote that it was going to be as big and bright as the moon,  but it was never going to be as big as the moon, only as bright in light magnitudes.  

  9. No, it is a hoax.  The Earth has one large satellite, the Moon.  There are other very small objects whose orbit around the Sun has been captured by the Earth; these are too small to see without a good telescope. But these do not actually orbit the Earth.

    The positions of all the planets and moons can be predicted pretty accurately thousands of years into the future, and it is also possible to calculate them thousands of years back in the past.  We know when the eclipses will be in the 25th century, for instance.

  10. Only if you have been drinking.

  11. no

  12. I think you must be seeing something that was a published misinterpretation from the last time Mars was at opposition.

    No. Nothing in the solar system but the sun will ever appear anything like the size of the moon.  There will always be just one moon-like object in our sky.

    The Mars fiasco happened when someone writing an article about its close pass at opposition, tried to say that in some of the more powerful telescopes, it would appear about the same size as the moon appears *to the naked eye*.  It was misquoted and passed all over the place.  Also, this is not something that happens all at once.  As Mars nears opposition, it gets a little tiny bit closer every day for months, with a minimum distance on some particular date.

    Mars will never appear as anything but a bright star, to the naked eye.

  13. I think our children are being let down by the education system, if this question is indicative of anything. And I see the thumbs-down monkey is busy at work.  

  14. Mars is a planet and this happened in 2003.

    Mars didn't look like a Moon even back then.


  15. God only made one moon.


    This is not 2003 when this hoax email started.  The planet looked the same as it always has to the naked eye.  Nothing was spectacular about it.  

    You may want to keep the site I put here in your favorites and the next time you question an email look it up there before asking such a silly question.  Had there been two moons circulating the earth, many many things would change as we know it.  Tides, animal migrations, even humans are affected by the moon. Grrr Aurrgh

  17. This myth pops up every year about this time, for some reason. No, Mars will NEVER get that close to Earth, it's a physical impossibility.

  18. yes i am almost done creating a second moon, i plan to have it launched by then

  19. No, it's a hoax. It is NOT true.

  20. I can promise you that there will be two moons in the sky on Aug 27th-- if you are on Mars. Deimos and Phobeos-Mars has two moons.

  21. This is an urban myth which began with an email which was sort of true in 2003, that Mars would be very close and bright. It also had a line in it which suggested that Mars, IN A TELESCOPE, would look as large as the Moon with the naked eye. Somewhere along the way, the "with a telescope" bit disappeared. August 2003 came and went, and many people had wonderful views of Mars through telescopes provided by amateur astronomers around the world.

    Then the email resurfaced in 2004, when Mars was on the far side of the Sun. Then again in 2005, when Mars was in opposition in October, not August, and quite a bit smaller. Then again in 2006, when Mars was again on the far side of the Sun. Then again in 2007, when opposition was in December, and Mars smaller still. Now, you've been fooled by this fake email in 2008! Mars is again on the far side of the Sun.

    When will people learn that astronomical events are predicted for a particular date, which has absolutely nothing to do with Earth years, and you can't just keep recycling the same prediction and changing the year? Everything on Mars happens in a 26 month cycle: August 2003, October 2005, December 2007, etc.

    So, no, there will not be two Moons in August 2008. Where would this second Moon come from?

  22. No it's not true. This comes from a hoax e-mail which seems to be sent round every year at this time.

  23. Yes and no.

    Mars will be bright but not big and certainly not 'a moon'.

    But the Earth has more than one moon if you want to look out for them.

    It's just that one of them is a bit more obvious than the others.

  24. No that is not ture. It is still a Hoax. it is funny people say that it only happens ever thousand years but this still gets asked every year. Well as I said it is a hoax.

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