
Is it true that they burned hundreds of Bibles in Israel?

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I just received an email about the Jews burning hundreds of Bibles in Israel, but the link to the article does not work for some reason. Is it true? Can someone give me a link?




  1. Yes it is, unfortunately.It was a few months ago, and there was quite a fuss.

    It's pretty old news now, so I don't think there'll be a link

  2. they burned new testaments that were smuggled in by missionaries for the purpose of converting people.

    missionary work is EVIL.

    there are plenty of churches that have plenty of bibles that aren't touched. this was specifically a response to missionaries.

  3. Try BBC Online; that's a reliable source. But if you google up "rabbis burn Bibles' you'll get articles from all over Europe. The story was blacked out in the U.S. press. Happened last May,I think. Anyway,it's been going on for years. For your information Christians - meaning Palestinian Christians - are permitted to practice but NOT to teach their faith. No one is permitted to teach Christianity in the Holy Land. It's been that way in western Palestine since 1948 and in the east since 1967. Evangelicals are routinely deported. The few remaining Christians are mostly Armenian Orthdox or Palestinians of various denominations. That's because only jews are permitted residency. Christians can't actually live in the Holy Land anymore. We can live in Syria,which 15% Christian with no hassles,but not in the Holy Land.  

  4. Yes. i don't have a link but just google up "rabbis burn bibles". It's all associated with the ultra-orthodox Sha political party.  

  5. yeah, they collected all the bibles that missionaries have been handing to students and Ethiopians and burned them.

    It's wrong, they should have buried them instead

    This is condemned by all normal Jews.

  6. I just hope that they are not going to do something bad to our churches, altho I am very concerned about that.

    I have seen those people uprooting trees and tearing down homes so often in the past ... I just don't trust them no more!

    Am I wrong?

    They sure have a long way to go these folks!

    I just wish they would listen to some of us sometimes. We are prepared to help them out to be better human beings. More "giving" beings I mean.

    It's bad to burn a book that speaks of love, understanding and compassion. But I do not worry because these people will come around real soon, otherwise they are doomed and I won't feel sorry for them.

    My opinion ok?

  7. Yes, apparantly. And look at these answers.

    "Nothing to get in a wad about"?

    "Old news"?

    "Should have buried them"?

    Well, perhaps the Jews problems are nothing for Christians to get in a wad about...perhaps they are old news...perhaps they should be left to the Muslims (who will bury them if they are left alone). Christians and myself personally have stood by Israel and this is how Christians are treated in Isael? What is unbelievable is that you all seem to think it's ok...


    That's the link mate :)

    It is true.. I guess...even though I haven't heard it on the news.

    They weren't normal jews...

    they're  "ultra-orthodox-jews" like crazy people..fanatics..

    I don't support them at all!!

    I think they're absurd and ignorant,just like any other fanatic religious people in any other country.

  9. yes

    yet they try to be victims

  10. Yes,they do that regularly,plus a lot of other unkind things. They burned down a Baptist church in the 80's and in 1948 they emptied out the Christian quarter in Jerusalem.  

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