
Is it true that they might take all cars that were made before 1995, because of the green house gas?

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we were talking about this in science class last week and I was really cuirous on the idea and if it was true as even my teacher wasn't 100% sure of it. if you could give me an idea it would be great.




  1. no country I know of is doing this. Some like Spain offer to buy back old cars so they can be recycled properly

    "old" cars can have lower environmental impact as they often have smaller engines than "modern" monsters (aka Stupid Ugly Vehicles, Chelsea tractors ...)

    plus the environmental cost of building new cars.

    If they take them off the road it will probably be to support the fossil fuel car industry that seems incapable of giving us alternatives. eg GM EV1

    the stone age did not end because we ran out of stones. Old polluting cars need to be retired because electric provides a much less stressful, more enjoyable driving experience (quiet, smooth, smell free) that can be refueld at home or work from renewable enregy

  2. Now the USA is a free country, and to do that would be crazy. All transportation produces about the same CO2 for the same work done . Is any one in this discussion an Eng, or is it a common vote. That is sure the great way to Eng. a project. YOU ARE NOT QUALIFIED.

  3. in Maryland back in mid 90's my husband had 2 older cars, they had started this emissions standard test, the cars had to pass or no longer be allowed to drive on the roads, both of his older cars failed as soon as they started up, the tags were taken, and not returned until these cars passed, one was not a classic so my husband junked it, the other he sold to a collector. he would have had to spend over 2,000.00 to get it to pass the standard test to get it back on the road or let it sit in the garage, they may be talking about doing this nation wide.

  4. You can't force people to sell their cars (think about all the priceless classics that don't meet current environmental standards).  There have been aggressive purchasing programs in the past where gross polluters were paid much more than the value of their old clunkers, which were then mashed and recycled.  I think the oil companies were buying them (in California).

  5. That would cost them a mint to achieve. We paid for and own those cars so it would be unconstitutional for the government to just 'remove them from the road' without some form of compensation to our investment. In fact, some of these cars are classics to collectors and worth quite a bit running or not. The government would have to pay through the nose to get those classics away from their owners and I am one of them. They can't just take your property without some kind of compensation to the owner. Hope this helps!!

  6. NO it's not true. That's insane. It will never happen. That's why we have the right to bear arms. lol

    As a matter of fact, where I live, they just made all 1995 and older car's EXEMPT from any type of emissions testing!

    I know, I do the testing at a shop. I have a '69 Camaro but I only drive it 500 miles a year. Even if I drove 20,000 miles a year that's my personal property.

    Here's a website for the Specialty Equipment manufactures Assocation.(SEMA)

    They go to bat and fight legislation on issues concerning automobiles and there owners etc. etc.:

    Here's a link to the SEMA Action Network. There, you can click on your own State or Canadian Provence to see the latest legislation on cars where you live:

  7. Well if you're asking about the USA I don't believe any of the State Governments or even the Federal Government have the authority to do so.

  8. Not while we live in a free Republic. What you propose is highly illegal. Theft of private property.

  9. As the others said, the government would never and can never do that. However, it's possible that they would ensure that any new cars coming out are more fuel efficient. Eventually everyone would have to get a new car, so it will take a while but in the end, without taking anything away, EVERYONE will be driving more fuel-efficient cars.

  10. They wouldn't "take them away" per se.   New rules about emmissions or safety devices or building materials could make older vehicles illegal to be on the road, but the government wouldn't actually pay us for old vehicles.   BTW, my 1992 toyota truck gets better mileage than any new SUV on the road while also doing less damage to the road from excessive weight and its already made so it won't take more energy to build a new one.

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