
Is it true that this evening there will be a

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solar eclipse?? any one heard of it? or am i halucinating?




  1. hahahaha... that's a tricky question. you know of course that eclipse at night is called LUNAR.

    SOLAR eclipse occurs at daytime.

  2. no.

    its JBoss eclipse platform we are using now..

    *only understandable to those taking software engineering.har har har!~


  4. ur halucinating

  5. yeah, there will be one in only some parts of the world on August 1st.

  6. yes, I heard of it. click the url given by yaya.

  7. yes...but the best place to watch are in the arctic region...or china...

  8. other parts of the world. Malaysia moon still as BIG as before. from 1 Agu- till 6 , moon will be very " round " , because is Chinese 7 th month first few day . enjoys full moon today and tomorrow from Malaysia .

  9. There nothing i can do it a total eclispe of the heart

  10. Yes, there will be on this 1st August 2008. People in China and India should be able to witness it

  11. that is not solar eclipse.

    it is skycraber(ketam langit) eclipse...

    better watch Mr Crab in the sky

  12. Yes..

    A total solar eclipse will darken some of Earth s skies on Friday... . This eclipse at its peak will last for 2 minutes and 27 it Live on internet...

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