
Is it true.that this happend

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is it true that gordon browne & peter hain were arested for chaining themselves to railings in protest of"s cricket team playing england during the apartide period.and if so do they now have criminal records.




  1. Peter became chairman of the Stop The Tour campaign which disrupted tours by the South African rugby union and cricket teams in 1969 and 1970. A 1972 private prosecution brought by Francis Bennion in regard to his leadership of the illegal direct-action interference with the tours resulted in a ten-day Old Bailey Trial with the jury failing to agree on three charges and hence he was acquitted on those charges, but Peter Hain was found guilty of criminal conspiracy and fined £200. He appealed against the conviction in 1973. The Court of Appeal dismissed his appeal with costs. As reported in the Daily Telegraph of 23 October 1973, the court said his conviction was "fully justified" (Wikipedia)

    Can't find any reference to Gordon Brown being arrested for anything

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