
Is it true that to produce sperm u cant be in a hot bath masturbating?

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like u cant be really hot or somthing whats the tempertaures??? tell me?




  1. In order for your testicles to actively produce sperm, they need to be kept at a specific temperature.  That's why, when you're cold, they creep up closer to you, and when your hot, they drop low.  Your testicles will produce sperm while there hot, but there won't be a lot and they won't be viable (they won't work...)  As soon as they go back to that perfect temp, they start to produce again.  That's why they say not to wear tight underwear if you have problems getting a woman pregnant.  You force your testicles to a place warmer than they like, so they decrease sperm production.  Sperm, once produced, is stored in the prostate.  So even while you're in a hot bath, you can still ejaculate.  

  2. No, that isnt true. It might be if you spent all your life in a hot bath, but just taking a bath isnt going to affect your sperm. Masturbating doesnt affect it either.

    Relax, your just fine and you will have sperm soon enough.

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