
Is it true that today the community of science is trying to connect science with spiritualism?

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people who love science please answer,you may not be astudent of science.




  1. There may be some scientists who are trying to find connections with spiritualism. That is an indvidual undertaking, not something "the community of science" could undertake.

  2. I believe it is called scientology.

  3. No, it's not true. Actual, real scientists realize that the power of the scientific method as a systematic tool of natural discovery is destroyed when woo-woo-mysticism is mixed in.

    Woo-woo is not falsifiable (a necessary component of the scientific method) and is totally subjective, while the scientific method is an objective, rationale means of whittling away what is false and keeping what may be true. As this process proceeds, the core of truth is eventually revealed.

    But with woo-woo, there is no core of truth. It's all inconsistent mystic mumbo-jumbo that gullible people want to believe in because we have a caveman aspect to our brains that compels us to believe in magic, tribal gods and invisible spirits.

  4. Being a research scientist....  You shouldn't mix-up those who read about science and don't necessarily understand it, and those that practice it daily....  There really is a big difference. None of the scientists I deal with see what they do as anything other than black & white logical science.... BUT when you try to describe what you are doing to those that don't fully understand they automatically look for a way to understand by using another way of looking at the topic that has no defined boundaries.

  5. yes it is true science and spiritualism synon.ex people taking same medicine show different results normally and when undergone spiritualism

  6. No, they are not trying to connect the two.  They just keep bumping into it.   Each area of study expands as more knowledge is accumulated.  There is bound to be an overlap somewhere.

  7. Could be true...but there is a long history b/w science and the spiritual realm...Einstein, Thomas Aquinas, and so's nothing new. Whether you peer into a microscope or a telescope, it always the face of God that you seek.

  8. No. Not true.  No legitimate scientist would make this claim.

    In fact it's the other way around:

    Mystics and religious types are always trying to elevate the status of their ideas by calling them scientific (e.g., the evolution of creationism: when this biblical nonsense was rejected by logical scientific discovery, they then tried to call it "scientific creationism", and when that didn't take, they tried to call it "intelligent design theory" – I wonder what they will call it next).

    And when mystic, religious, and supernatural ideas get exposed as fraudulent, irrational and non-scientific, they then try to attack science by calling it "just another religion."

    Don't you find it ironic that these mystics and religious types seek to promote their ideas by calling them scientific and when that doesn’t work they try to belittle science by calling it a religion?

  9. That depeds on the discipline. Astronomy, has been practiced by intensly religious people in most of it's history around the world.

    The first book to mention the revolution of the Sun around the Earth is the Old Testament and Genesis in a much less mathematically and quantitatively rigorous way describes creation of our Universe resembing the Modern and most accepted Big Bang theory.

    So, I think so. Especially, Newton & Einstein who definately needed a creator in the Universe. It's not just today that the scientific community is trying to connect spirituilism with scientific discoveries. This has been the case throughout human history. Even before the Bible was written.

    The Egyptian engineers-architects and Pharohs were religous and superstisious. Otherwise they wouldn't necessairly build such large caskets, since the practical aspects of a pyramid are not revealed to us by the ancient Egyptians. Sure, the shape is earthquake and flood proof. But, most city buildings and sky scrapers aren't pyramids.

    As for many Chemists and biologists. They're not all religous. Mendeleyev rejected spirituilism altogether. During the Communist regime in Russia. Religion was not tollerated by the Scientific and Political systems. Still,they were the first to launch an orbiting sattelite,first space walk etc. So,religion is not necessary for achieving breakthroughs as  is desire,ability and curiosity.

  10. those who say science isn't looking for parallels with religion aren't paying attention:

    "For a parallel to the lesson of atomic theory...[we must turn] to those kinds of epistemological problems with which thinkers like the Buddha and Lao Tzu have been confronted, when trying to harmonize our position as spectators and actors in the great drama of existence."  -Niels Bohr

    "the great scientific contribution in theoretical physics that has come from Japan since the last war may be an indication of a certain relationship between philosophical ideas in the tradition of the Far East and the philosphical substance of quantum theory." - Werner Heisenberg

    by the way - "What the Bleep do we know?" - (the movie?) is silly c**p - did you see the old broad channeling, as an expert, the 5000 year old teacher spirit? don't attempt to "educate" yourself by watching this drivel

  11. No, it's not true.

  12. uhmmm...really...isn't science about rational proof?  When you use the term "community of science" I assume you are lumping ALL into this as if it's some sort of epic effort.  

    But...if you take unexplained phenomenon... and research, test, and study it... with SCIENTIFIC proof as the result... that's NOT being done by the entire community of science.

  13. There appears to be a misconception that scientists are different. They are a subset of mankind; subject to all its foibles.

    They come in all religious hues including atheists. Many have irrational, even superstitious beliefs.

    Many are deeply religious. Each comes to terms with his/her scientific temperament and a working view of religion each in his/her own way.

  14. This is absolutely untrue.  There are, however, a few individuals who are members of the scientific community who recognise that there are valid questions to be asked that relate to the boundry between science and spiritualism.  In some respects, quantum mechanics is more spiritualistic than scientific.  Perhaps the best book on this topic is the recent work by Paul Davies, God and the New Physics.  (hope I got that title correct.  The book is in my office, not here at home...)

  15. I would say to a degree yes.... There was a recent program on CNN 360 about "belief" and science.... according to this program about 40% of scientist are Christians.... maybe they are feeling much more comfortable talking about their beliefs.  These scientist don't feel that either is exclusively and distinctly separate.  I feel that in many ways science validates spirituality.... and often scientific means can be used to answer and sometimes not answer spiritual questions.

  16. No.  There is only an accidental connection between the real physical world and the imagined world of the spiritualists and mystics and this has been demonstrated time after time.    While some scientists may respect the Templeton Foundation, others regard it with contempt.  It is true that a good deal of quantum mechanics is mysterious, but it is a different mystery from those proposed by whatever mystic happens to the the flavour of the month.

    Until about 1700, almost all chemistry was a mystery.  There was a great lot of work done by alchemists, who basically got nowhere because they didn't measure anything accurately and were hung up on the "quality" of their productions.  They  worked from books containing fact mixed with mystic speculations and lies put in by the supposed ancient authorities to cover the fact that they did not know as much as they claimed to.  A lot of it was mixed up with astrology and other forms of magic.  In spite of these disabilities some  managed to make worthwhile  of discoveries and inventions.  

    But from about 1690 two German chemists/alchemists tried to put combustion, one of the most common chemical transformations on a rational basis.  To do this they supposed a sort of spiritual fluid which they called phlogiston.  It was supposed to escape into the air when things were burnt, and was supposed to enter metal ores when they were smelted to produce metals like copper, iron etc.  The trouble with phlogiston was that you could not capture it, it passed through hot metals and glass, and actually had negative weight.  

    Despite this the theory made a kind of sense and led to big advances over the next 90 years.  But it was almost exactly wrong.  After oxygen was discovered and chemists began to weigh things accurately that they found they could replace the "spiritual" phlogiston with a real substance that could be weighed and felt. Chemistry has never looked back since.   Look up Becher, Stahl, phlogiston, Scheele,  Priestley, Joseph Black and Antoine Lavoisier if you want to find out more.    

    Some "Christians" blather on about archaeologists finding that some of the material recorded in the Old Testament of the Bible is based on facts.  There is no surprise in this, a lot of the Old Testament is history, particularly the later books. But almost none of the large events recorded in the books with the exception of the Babylonian captivity can be independently confirmed.  However some archaeologists doubt that the dates that can be worked out from the Bible

    are accurate, and many of the events that can be more or less confirmed were hundreds to thousands of years more recent than once supposed.  

    There is NO evidence of a world wide flood within the past few hundred million years,  there is NO evidence that Moses led tens or hundreds of thousands of people out of Egypt.   However that does not mean that large but local floods did not  happen in the Tigris-Euphrates flood plains or that someone like Moses did not leave Egypt with a band of followers.  They might even have been kicked out, which is something the ancient Egyptians did to "Asiatics" from time to time.

  17. most of the beleifs in the religion can be justified by science,

    like useof turmaric by indian women-

    is kills bacteria.

    unfortunately,some of them are still to be understood.

    some are exploiting the masses in the name of religion.

    so some are againest religion.

    spiritual and relion are a state of mind.

    and keeping your mind healthy

    like exercise to your body.


  19. scientists have done a double blind study testing the power of prayer.  They had two groups of people with similar illnesses.  One group was prayed for and the other one wasn't.  The prayed for group was significantly healthier at the end of the study than the non-prayed for group.

    It is possible to scientificly test if spirituality works.

  20. No, That would be going in the wrong direction.  Spiritualism is making things up to explain things you don't understand.  Science is doing research and using observations and logic to figure out things you don't understand.

  21. As far as my knowledge goes no community of science is consciously trying to connect science with spiritualism. However, some Spiritualists are trying to prove what science  has discovered had already been discovered by Ancient 'seers', though they have used different terminology

  22. It is true. Community of science is trying to connect science with spiritualism. Many constellations written in religious books have been discovered and written by scientists.

  23. There are indeed a fairly small number of scientists who are trying to answer questions about the boundaries of science and the relationship of science and religion. The Templeton Foundation is funding some of this work.

    The large majority of scientists are atheist or agnostic and have no interest in religion.

    You mention spiritualism, but I think you mean spirituality. "Spiritualism" usually refers to the fake mediums and seances held in the late 19th and early 20th century.

    By the way, the so-called "scientific studies" of the effect of prayer are junk science and rejected by anyone who reads them carefully.

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