
Is it true that universe has to extinct one day? keeping in view Global warming?

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Is it true that universe has to extinct one day? keeping in view Global warming?




  1. for you BIG NO.

  2. due to global warming every thing going to extent

    in front of us only nature,atmosphere,animals,insect etc.

    we will be there to see all this and then earth collapse and so as we..........

    only because we can't limit ourself to puting Co2 in the atmosphere.

  3. Universe is gigantic so global warming will definitely not affect the universe. Well talking in terms of our planet, definitely our universe(world) will vanish just because the attitiude of humans towards saving our planet is missing. Media, movies and most importantly the corporate world is not serious towards the problems of the earth. Although in western world most of the corporate companies show some concerns by releasing CSR(corporate social responsibilty) for saving our planets, still the normatic pressures are missing. They are doing it because of mimetic or coercive pressures.

    There is a sense of urgency towards this issue and if every human doesnt participate towards its improvement, the world is extinct one day.

  4. Yes ,It is true that universe has extinct one day....because man is going to compit with nature and nature is not a slave of any one.and due to incresing a population and a fast growing industrlisation that effects the whole enviornment and a human life ..the ozone layer is increasing fastly and affects the living organism so it is going on the way of distroy..

  5. noo only for earth.........if it is true also a GOD WILL NOT END UP HIS GAME SO SOOM!!!!!!!!!

  6. Why do'nt you believe what you have learnt? Why do'nt you believe Law of Conservation (of Mass, Energy, Wealth, Soul and God)? Remember that matter/energy/wealth/soul/God can neither be created nor be destroyed but can be changed from one form to another. Believe what Lord Krishna has said in Bhagavadgita. Sword cannot cut the soul, water cannot wet the soul, fire cannot burn the soul. Soul changes bodies the way we change clothes.

    Nothing will happen to mankind.

  7. Yes. But the end of the Universe will have nothing to do with the events that take place on the Earth.

    In fact, in about 5 billion years, life on Earth will end when the Sun enters the red giant phase of stellar evolution. It will expand beyond the orbit of Venus and along with turning the Earth into a cinder, it will more than likely throw it into a further orbit in the process.

    Current observations based on WMAP measurments indicate that the universe has a "flat" geometry. Meaning that the end will come due to what is known as "heat death" or "the big rip"

    Too much to explain here, but google it and take some time to understand it.

  8. yes its true.due to warming up of earth create many problems for both living as well as non living things.climatic changes,skin burn,melting of glaciers,forest fires ,wind blows will be harder are caused due to this only.

  9. Globe is getting warm by the generation of methane, carbobmonoxide, etc..

    It causes the holes in the Ozone Layer and makes it thin....

    So, Sun light passes easily and directly to Earth..

    Where it makes the ICE rocks to melt.. ..

    it causes many problems.... as well as some many more problems are appears when the temperature gets rise...

  10. yes one day it will be over but due to global warming think so coz ozone layer is getting depleting day by day which will be dangerous for our mother earth in the near future

  11. Yes. However I think we can safely leave that problem to the future (some many billions of years in the future):

    1) If we don't respond correctly to the challenge of AGW then we won't be in a position to do anything re the end of the universe!

    2) Humans are somewhat short-term; I am concerned about the lives of my kids and my grandkids. I trust them to be able to help their own children and grandchildren - 4 generations later and my help is not so relevant.

    This is a little like not having dinner tonight because I'm going to die in seventy years anyway...

  12. Might be, but no one can predict future as weathers keep on fluctuating

  13. Global warming is meant only for the earth.

    Not for global warming but the universe may have a life after that it may extinct.

    Global warming is due to the green house gases and thermal pollution due to excessive use of fuels and it happens only in the earth and atmosphere. Life on earth will surely extinct one day due to global warming if not controled soon.

    In case of life of the universe global warming will have almost no effect.

  14. One day it would happen during that time yourself and myself won't be here. It takes a minimum of 1,42,000 years.

  15. That's something we'll never know, because it's way too far in the future.

  16. No

  17. yes it is a true one day the universe going to demolish  because the another plnet is coming to dash the universe the date 2020 april 13

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