
Is it true that vegetarians show fewer signs of aging when they get older? ?

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i know there are plenty of advantages by deing on a vegetarian diet (im 23 and been a vege my entire life), but i heard from somewhere once that vegeatarians also show fewer signs of aging when getting older i mean less wrinkles and so forth?

i mean im not aware if this is true of not but i have wondered...

so does anybody know?

thanks in advance =)




  1. possibly. i mean think about whats in like lotion and makeup and exfoliaters and stuff [yeah a girl would know this more but.. youve seen them in drug stores right? (: ] they dont make "meat lotion" lol. fruits and veggies are all natural and definitely beneft your body in the long run. im not a vegetarian but sometimes i wish i would be for health benefits [; still, i envy you in a way haha. hope that helped a bit :p

  2. Yes, that's very true!!

    Meat with chemicals and toxins age you pretty bad.

    That's the same reason I'm trying to be one. =)

  3. Certain veggies and health foods are good for your skin and hair and stuff, so I guess you might age less by being a no-meater.

  4. yeah probaly...but have fun being a stick for your entire rather be muscular than have nothing, wrinkles mean nothing to me

  5. vegetarians who eat properly do.  there are a lot out there who are anemic.

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