
Is it true that vegeterians cant eat sugar??

by Guest66991  |  earlier

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ive heard that we cant. i feel really dumb for not knowing this, but there are a lot of foods recently tht i have found out are not veggie like pop tarts, skitles, mini wheats.... any way, is it true?




  1. Why not???? Sugar has got no life?? I think the foods u mentioned contains other ingredients which are non-vegetarian

  2. White sugar is 1/3 of the time processed through bone char, making it not a vegetarian food.

    Organic sugar, sugar in the raw, turbinado, succanat, all vegetarian.

  3. Of course they can eat sugar ... but most of people dont if they are vegeterians in asia countries like india and pakistan they bealive if they dont eat sugar and a honey bee or a snake bits them they can jus suck out the poision with out getting harmed , and for honey bee if the honey bee stings them the bee dies

  4. Refined sugar, which is the ones typically used for those type of products, is filtered through with bone char. Bone char, hence the name, is a name produced by charring animal bones.

    However, that doesn't mean that veg*ns can't eat sugar either - vegan sugar, such as Sucanat or Wholesome Sweeteners (I use this one) are not filtered through bone char, and are vegan. You can look up for more vegan sugar companies.

    It's also unfortunate that your favorite snacks include refined sugar, but certainly you're not dumb for not knowing this.

    If I remember correctly, Skittles contain gelatin - an animal by-product. Gelatin "is a translucent, colourless, brittle, nearly tasteless solid substance, extracted from the collagen inside animals' connective tissue." I think it also contains other animal by products, but I can't exactly remember.

    Also, I know animal-by products are new to you, it shows how much animals are included in today's living society. >_< Here's a short list of them;

  5. That depends on how far you want to take your vegetarianism to be honest.  Vegans don't eat regular sugar because it is filtered through bone char, which comes from animals.  The best bet is to stick with organic sugars or turbinado sugars like Sugar in the Raw.  Better yet, try something all natural like Stevia.  

    No, Pop tarts, skittles and mini wheats are not vegetarian because they all contain gelatin.  For the sweets that you crave, google "accidentally vegan" and they will give you a list of things that you would never think were vegan, like oreos.

  6. Its rule for vegan not to eat it because the sugar (white) is processed through bone char. If you're a vegetarian it's up to you. And trust me it's not just pop tarts, skille, miniwheats you can't eat. If you go to jewel you'd be suprised what you can't eat. Try shopping at whole foods.

  7. That is entirely up to you. There is no real enforcicble hard and fast rules as to what a vegetarian can or cannot eat. It's up to the individual how dedicated he/she is to her chosen principles.

    As a general rule, vegetarians avoid any animal and slaughter by producs. About 50% of all cane sugar is filtered using bone char, beet sugar a lot less, some say not at all (I am not that familiar with specific industry practices). But since there is no real way to tell which is which, most if not the vast majority of vegetarians avoid sugar entirely.

  8. you can eat sugar, you just may want to check and see if its processed with bone char

    miniwheats and skittles has gelatin in them, so no they aren't vegetarian

    as for the poptarts if you get the UNfrosted, make sure they are unfrosted, they are vegan, but ALWAYS read the ingredients first

  9. As some have said bone chard in some refined sugars. I have read that it is becoming more expensive to process with bone chard and is being used less.

  10. Sugar is a farm (sugarcane, beet etc) product and vegetarians can freely eat it.

  11. Of course they CAN.

    But some of them CHOOSE not to.. Ther is a big difference as what you cann do and what you choose not to do..

    From a pro vegan website

    "So, are brown sugar and powdered sugar vegan? From every reasonable perspective, yes...."

    If you read the article, you will find it more reasonable, practical and sensible than the unbending narrow-minded fanaticism often exhibited in this forum

  12. I saw this and asked my aunt about it she said no that is not true

    glad i could help :D

    I posted a question about being vegetarian and was wonering if you could help me tou?

    Thanks <3 Kaley

  13. First point: in the items you've listed, the ingredient in question is probably gelatin, rather than sugar. Gelatin is not a vegetarian food and most people who wish to be vegetarian avoid it.

    Second point: some vegetarians avoid white sugar. A lot of it is produced with bone char, which (as it sounds) is made of animal bones. However, it is very difficult to find out which sugar comes from bone char and which does not. Many large brands get their sugar from a variety of suppliers and cannot guarantee the methods used to produce the sugar in each bag/box you see on the shelf at the store. That said, there are a lot of vegetarians who either don't know or don't care about this.

    So, in short, yes, vegetarians can and do eat refined sugar, even though it's not very good for any of us. ;-)

  14. nop. its not true

  15. Vegans dont consume some types of sugar because it is typically filtered through bone char.

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