
Is it true that waitresses give the bussers a really hard time ?

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I've been told not to become a busser because you will have to put up with untold amounts of rubbish from spoiled waitresses.

Is this true ?




  1. i was a waitress for year but i was always nice to the bussers because if it was not for them your tables would not get cleaned. i always side tipped so they would pay more attention my my section than the others that way they can clean my section off faster that way i can have more customers and make more tips. but some of the waitresses can be mean. if a waitress gets stiffed on a tip, the first person they will accuse is the busser. it is drama when you work in a restaurant but that is everywhere. if that is something you want to do then do it. just make sure you stay on top of your tables and do a good job. the waitresses have to tip out at the end of the night, you may find a few nice ones like me that side tip, plus you get you hourly pay.

  2. I'm sure it would all depend on the people you are working around.

  3. I've been in the service industry for 7 years. There are always those servers who think they are better than everyone else. If they treat the bussers mean, they are only hurting their own wallet. Good servers know it's important to be respectful and kind to those around them. Positivity is contagious.

  4. At the restaurant where I worked, the bussers did get into it with the servers many times, but at the end of the night, it's all about the tips. They learned to tolerate each other lol

  5. Not at all in my restaurant.  They are an important part of the team.  However in any restaurant there are a lot of pranks, especially if you are new.  But there is no harm involved!

  6. Not if they do their job. Bussers where I work usually just stand around and socialize and they barely clean the tables. Most of the time I have to go after they "cleaned" my table and rearrange the menus, coasters, and tents because they just let that stuff lay around after they're done.

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