
Is it true that waste vegetable oil can be an alternative to gas&diesel to run an engine?

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Is it true that waste vegetable oil can be an alternative to gas&diesel to run an engine?




  1. Diesel it can

  2. I run mine everyday on it.Of course I heat my veg to 200 degrees before injectors.

  3. Yes.If your diesel engine can run on biodiesel then yes.

  4. Yep you can put it in a diesel, will smell like a mobile chip shop though

  5. yes.

  6. Biodiesel.

  7. Yes. But in cold climes it is better to use bio diesel, which is made from veg oils. Oils and fats generally turn solid in cold weather, bio diesel will not. In warm to hot climes the straight oil is fine and as a mix with diesel the oils are ok as well. As to all the waste oil being only 1% of fuels used, well, great, 1% is a huge amount! A fantastic start to the solution specially as the alternative is to simply waste that waste oil! Sure it will not solve the problem by itself, but it is one step in the right direction, means we only have 99% of fuels left to replace.

    The solution to our addiction to fossil fuels is not going to be a single thing, it is going to be a blend of many things from better efficiency, hybrid cars, electric vehicles, better public transport, bio fuels, and things we haven't thought of yet. (even walking!)

  8. Kind of. Biodiesel is not so different from straight vegetable oil, and some diesel engines have been run on vegetable oil in the past. I think vegetable oil costs more than $4 a gallon though. And of course the world does not make enough to fuel all cars.

  9. Yep for Diesel it can, you can simply put it in the veg oil with your fuel 50/50

    In the winter it is better to change the ratio 70/30 diesel to oil....due to the cold changing the consistency of the oil

    My mate does it with his transporter van, it really works and you only smell a little like chip strength of the smell depends on the condition of the oil!!!!

  10. yes, although it is not a solution to global warming. If every drop of waste fat was used to run cars it would only account for about 1% of all the fuels for cars in the world.

  11. YES !!!

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