
Is it true that water, gas and electricity is going to run out in a couple of years?

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Everyone says thats the reason gas is so expensive.




  1. We have peaked in oil supply, oh we may get a little more but if we continue to use it like we are now it does not last more then 30 years! How about food-humans have 1.7 months in storage until The USA crops are harvested. The sun makes most fresh water and we just need to store more and that help with electricity. I have proposed 6 phase power production so we can conserve more, solar power plants, and electric cars and trains

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  2. Gas will not run out in two years, but there will be less and more of a demand so yes prices will only continue to raise, water will not be a problem for a while and electricity will never run out because it is created by man.

  3. thats total baloney. first of all its impossible to run out of water because percipitation(the process pf evaporation and rain) is always making more water. electricity can run out if people stop making it. we get electricity mainly from using wind mills and rivers witch spin wheels that push magnets in and out of eachother generating electricity. but gas can run out because it cant be created so maybe in like 100-150 years(thats a wild guess) we might run out but hopefully the world will be weened of it and go use some other resource tom pollute the world. and im 11 years old so immpressive huh.

  4. not yet but one day there will be no clean water left

  5. We probably will run out of gas due to the high demand of it, but not anytime soon.  As for water, it gets recycled naturally so chances are we wont run out of that, and as for electricity, While it's true we get a lot of it from windmills and such, it still comes naturally like by lightning, which was proven by Benjamin Franklin(who was never president like most people think)

  6. water aint gonna run out, neither will electricity but gas maybbe but nowhere in the near future

  7. Nope, electricity is renewable energy and we have tons of untapped oil.

  8. No water will not run out. I read that article on  Fuel oil in the Arab countries not lasting forever.  Well then maybe the USA wil allow drilling on its soil.

  9. no, but we must do more to conserve all of them.

  10. no.  we have enough of all of that to last 100s of years.

  11. Eventually, we'll use up all of our oil supply, which the earth takes a very long time to make again naturally, and that could cause us to loose electricity maybe...but im not that sure about electricity.

    and as for water, well more than 2/3 of the earth is water...i think we'll be good on that (:

    that is why gas is so expensive.

  12. Well stock up on the electricity -jk.  Prices will definitely go up and stability is questionable but there are alternatives.  I leave it up to you to take care of yourself.

  13. Naw . Politics and or greed the reason it costs so much . We should be drilling for resources in the USA .

  14. doubt it.. they kind of refine and stuff.. recycle and such.. arabs charge soo much for gas for diff reasons.. its like an economical war or w.e .. its not cuz they are running out.. and electricity is kind of easy to get... if we do run out.. doubt it but people will just get solar panels roflmao

  15. ROTFL!! NO WAY!! haha. water never runs out, ever heard of evaporation and the water cycle? electricity won't run out cuz its powered by something in the earth. lol. no way will that stuff run out, gas might tho. lol. sry.

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