
Is it true that what some non americans find enticing is what we americans take for granted?

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there are people that come here in hopes of a better life...for many, some things they find better, but we never would normally pay attention to, or at the least even would give a chance at.

look at the illegal immigrants the jobs they are willing to do that most of us would never want to do...

so would you say that some non americans attitude is an attitude that many of us americans need to stop taking stuff for bring back the work ethic, and less greed?




  1. "They do jobs that we wouldn't do."

    This is one of those liberal catch phrases used to justify the views they try to impose on us.

    I have done the jobs that people claim we won't do.

  2. You should read this and it will make you think again about supporting deporting illegals.;...

  3. Well, we don't seem to have a problem with millions of people trying to get OUT of the country, so something must be going right.

  4. we will save your ignorant ***, that's for sure! We are the hope for America. We take nothing for granted-you do.

  5. For some yes.  Me personally, I dont take things for granted and I detest/protest the illegals who come here to take advantage of us.  Deport all illegals asap!!

  6. It is a given that Americans take the privileges of living in this Country for granted. We forget how and why our Nation was founded. We don't know or care about the Constitutional document which provides us with greater freedom than any society on earth. We assume that we will always find a job, acquire whatever level of education to which we aspire, come and go freely all over America, get help from a physician when needed, vote in local, State, and National elections, and watch 256 channels of television programs.

    A significant part of  our National discontent is just that fact. We no longer appreciate what we have. We assume that we are forever entitled to the benefits of being an American, and that we need not do anything to prove ourselves worthy of it. Americans think of rights and privileges, infrequently of duties and responsibilities.

    How shall we change?

  7. Yes, we take a lot of things for granted.

    I think it's part of the American culture to look at our weaknesses instead of our strengths.

    The attitude of "we can do better" can only take hold if we honestly examine the problems.

    But it can also become a problem if we start drowning in negativity, to the point of thinking "we're so poor, can't Washington give me a check"

    But, there is so much bandwidth taken up by others talking about what's wrong, I'm going to look at what's right, and what's attracting others to come here:

    Always-full grocery store shelves

    Air conditioners (they're still rare in Europe)

    Opportunities to prosper, if you're willing to work.

    A tolerable tax rate

    Fair elections (try voting for 'the other guy' in Zimbabwae and see what happens)

    Most cities have sections with almost zero crime

    And as long as your religion doesn't preach "kill your neighbors", you can worship whatever god(s) you want.

  8. No,what they find enticing is our tax dollars and the ability to come over,commit violent crimes then hop the border back home to avoid punishment.

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