
Is it true that whatever you fill your mind up with so shall you become?

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Is it true that whatever you fill your mind up with so shall you become?




  1. I'm sure its very hard to be proven as fact. But I do believe very much so that this is true. I believe that thoughts become feelings, and feeling become actions. So therefore in whichever way we think, or whatever we think about, turn into what we do, and thst our actions become ourselves. What we do is what we are. How we deal, react, cope, etc makes us who we are. And I believe that the power of thought controls who we are. But of course, we can change our thoughts whenever we wish. Which is splendid :)

    Its true that positive thinkers live longer. What happens to you and the actions you take depend mostly on your way of thinking. Surely your more likely to succeed if you tell yourself "I can do this" rather than "I cant do this"?

    Basically, to put it bluntly, Yes I do this it is true that whatever you fill your mind up with so you shall become.

    Hope this helps :)

  2. Er...I think that's what happened to get us excommunicated..ya think?

  3. No I don't believe that.

    It may influence you somewhat, but a most of what you have in your mind is work related, family if you are a parent.

    It is the secret corners of your mind where you can reflect in silence to watch the sky turn from black through various shade of blue until sunrise that develops you as a person.

  4. Yes, it is.

  5. yes

  6. Yes, I believe very much so. I know friends that have dabbled in things and sooner or later it becomes who they are, even if they didn't intend that to be. We must always be contentious of what's we decide to subject ourselves to for this reason.

  7. Yeah, it makes sense...

  8. according to the secret and what the bleep and conversations with god

  9. I don't think that's necessarily true. I know a lot of kind and nice people who watch and listen to all kinds of bad things and it's not effecting their minds. I think if you let things in it can effect you though. You have to want to become those things.

  10. I suppose it does make sense, but I don't know if it's true or not.

  11. yup

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