
Is it true that when a loved one dies pieces of our hearts die with him?

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Is it true that when a loved one dies pieces of our hearts die with him?




  1. NO - your heart is your own muscle and is connected to only to your own body

  2. yes it's true for some cases, i have 2 aunts both of them has lost her only son, when i look at their eyes i know that their heart has already left with their sons. you can always see this glitter of tears just waiting for the right time to burst when people are not watching.

    may Allah bless them with patience and peace of heart, and everyone who lost a dear person.

  3. it is just poitry words expresses romantic feeling

  4. not true..

  5. i don't think so.

    but when some one we love dies s/he still lives in our heart. we still keep his memory alive inside us. as s/he is watching us.

    he just transferred to another form of existence, but his soul is still there.


    @Moonrise: what you mentioned about brain cells are not a scientific fact. our brain cells never dies. our synaptic connections may decay by time, but nuerons are alive for ever.

    and grieving is considerd a healthy process to coop with new undesired conditions.

    and it is not healthy to repress it. it has to take its time.

  6. when we grieve or get angry, some of the brain cells die .

    they are never replaced .

    that's why we tell a person in this stage , ma ti7raksh damak.

    this is true physically .

    psychologically , our loss can lead to depression, the feeling that life is meaningless , empty .

    the right treatment of loss is to accept it as a fact of life .

    then to try to pull ourselves from the circle of grief , to break the circle and find some interest  outside it .

    if the depressed person cannot overcome his grief , he can seek psychiatric help .

    he has to go to a psychiatrist who can help him  with advice and perhaps medicine .

    we have to believe in God , accept his ways , and carry on with life which is His gift to us .

  7. Pinka, I like your questions as they have so much essence in them.

    I truly believe that yes pieces of yourself go with the person.  I do not mean physically, but emotionally and mentally - most definitely.

    Those are the pieces that the person has of your feelings and that no one can replace, I felt like that 2 years ago when my grandfather passed away - it was/and still is a void or a missing part that nobody will ever be able to replace for me.

    I hope all is well with you and that you enjoyed your holidays in Egypt.

  8. If we are talking about the physical heart, of course I will have to disagree... now, when it comes to the symbolic one, the core of our emotions, then yes! Actually I think that those parts/pieces where the feeling for this loved one was kept dies slowly afterward from missing him/her and becomes a numb part of ourselves. I have lost two special loved ones and I can say that although I still miss them a lot, that's how I feel about them; a part of me that died too.    


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