
Is it true that when a person with a mental illness is on medication that they get better slowly?

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I say this because I'm on 5mg of abilfy and find my symptoms going away very slowly but they're going away.




  1. How?

    Decode this lyrics "Don't know much - about misery"

    In messing up with science and mathematics?

    Look in the real world.

    After one had been hit on the head with the Book of the Dead.

    Being "Reincarnated" as the dead Mummy with empty skeleton of skull and bones with two empty eye sockets.

    That could not even think or see.

    Living in misery with emptiness like cave-men from the twilight zone in different time zone.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  2. they will act that way,but dont turn your back on them as they may attack you with a zucchini!

  3. They are going away because the pills are helping to maintain your symptoms.  You won't cure it with medication, there is no cure.

  4. Depends on what the mental illness is. For anxiety and depression - sometimes. For bipolar and schizophrenia - no. Never. If you stop taking the meds, your symptoms would come back.

    If you mean, does it take a while for symptoms to disappear when you're on the right meds then the answer is yes. That's part of why it's hard to maintain compliance. People want to throw meds away after a few days or a week, when they can take a month or longer to kick in.

  5. most people with a mental illness diagnosis are not mentally ill, it is marketing, the worst, most evil type, sorcery

    Large pharmaceutical companies give money to universities (they control the universities) and in turn the professors publish their 'contributions' that normal behavior is mental illness.

    The result is even toddlers, with the terrible twos 'symptoms' are given powerful antipsychotics.

    The corporate controlled media like to make mental illness 's**y', it gives an identity to many people who are too lazy to earn an identity. Then of course there is the small percentage of people who are truly mentally ill.

    The drug you speak of promotes diabetes.

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