
Is it true that when a woman......?

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wants to have a baby so bad she fools her body into believe that she really is pregnant? how does this happen? is there scientific prove that this happens? I just find it amazing that our minds can do suck tricks.




  1. It has happened to me.

    Im 19 years old, and ive wanted a baby ever since i was like 17.

    I've had dreams about giving birth and breast feeding, my belly grew like you would see a 3 month pregnancy. I felt something move and i felt all the symptoms!

    I took the test and i got negative results, although it was depressing because i had hope. I was still glad i wasn't pregnant.

    So yeah, your hormones fool with us alot!

  2. Not as such, although you're right - our minds can play tricks on us. If a woman wants a baby badly enough it seems to take over her every waking thought and moment - I've known people who have trouble sleeping due to thinking about "what might be"! I'm not sure about the science behind it but I do know that a woman will look out for any little sign and symptom - often researching other women's symptoms in similar positions and becomming incredibly sensitive and aware to small changes in their physical being, i.e. nipples looking darker or putting headaches down as a pregnancy symptom rather than something else.

  3. I couldnt' believe it either when I heard about this, because the physcial symptoms so closely resemble an actual pregnancy!  For instance, there was a case a while back (think the woman's last name was Montgomery, but I could be mistaken), in which this woman had undergone a tubal ligation and could no longer have children.  She was so depressed, she ended up killing a pregnant woman and stealing her fetus.  (Horrible, I know.)  Anyhow, the point is, she lied and told everyone she was pregnant, and everyone believed her because her physcial symptoms were so real.  Even family, who had actually touched her hard, round belly!  It is sooo sad, and my heart goes out to any woman who is so torn up emotionally desiring a baby.   I have had three miscarriages, and I understand that pain.  Google "phantom pregnancy", or "pseudocyesis", for more info.  But apparently, it happens!

  4. i can honestly say that i have been there. I had 2 m/s earlier this year and it drove me crazy, and now all i can think about are babies, it seems like they are all i think about. everyone i know around me have kids or are pregnant. I cant sleep because i keep thinking about what i am doing wrong. So i know it happens and also when i am getting close to my period i always make myself think that i am pregnant again. So i don't think its been proven but i think its just that when you want it so bad, that's all you can think about!

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