
Is it true that when buy gas from Citgo your funding terrorism?

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Is it true that when buy gas from Citgo your funding terrorism?




  1. Yes, Citgo gets its gas from Venezuela which is openly funding terrorist activities.  When Venezuela citizens try to flee, and if caught they are imprisoned.  There is also a larger proportion of poor in that country.  Their government is a dictatorship, look it up and you will see the difference between US and Venezuela, and why Hugo Chavez is terrible.

  2. Why don't you think for yourself for a change instead of parroting what Fox News tells you to think?

    No, Venezuela is not a terrorist supporting country.  Venezuela is run by a guy who thinks, like the rest of the world,  that  the USA is always meddling and interfering with the affairs of other countries.

    And why haven't you called George W. Bush a terrorist for organizing a coup against Hugo Chavez?

  3. Supposedly, Citgo stations are run by independent operators who get their gas from the oil fields of Venezuela.  And the dictator of Venezuela does hate the U.S., and promotes terrorism in his neighboring countries.  Like all Latin American dictators, he has large bank accounts and investments overseas.

  4. Mr. Zell, above me, is unfortunately dysfunctional in his decisions if he is an American. People like him will vote in Obama soley on the emotional dislike of the current president. That is shallow thinking at best.

    Citgo is a direct gas link to the country of Venezuela, run by Hugo Chavez. He not only hates Bush but hates democracy also. Thus his affiliations with Iran and Cuba.

    I am going on two years of not buying gas at Citgo. I encourage others in my city to do the same and thankfully, 3 Citgo's in my city have closed.

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