
Is it true that when my grandparents are spanish,it would not be hard to acquire their citizenship?

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Is it true that when my grandparents are spanish,it would not be hard to acquire their citizenship?




  1. My Grandfather was a spanaird.. , you get your residency one year after being in spain. ( if you decide to come).. after that its up to you to get Spanish Citizenship.. ( i recommend that you find a job before coming over, its not as easy as its thought to be, even for  grandchildren of spanairds:.) ( like myself)

    Good Luck..

    Bcn_mimosa currently living in Barcelona...

  2. First you would have to move to Spain...

    For details get in touch with the closest spanish Embassy or Consulate

  3. It is quite easy if your grandparents fled Spain because of Franco and you can speak Spanish fluently.. Contact the Embassy.

  4. Yes, lot's of football players are doing that these days, at least with Spanish and Italian nationality. And only if you're not already a member of another E.U. country

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