
Is it true that when people mediate, bad things can happen? do u think satan can take over and put things?

by  |  earlier

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in your mind? because i'm mediating for the first time?




  1. uh, no unless you already have bad things going on in your brain.

    Meditation is the ultimate form (other than s*x) of relaxation.  It's not spiritual nor supernatural.

  2. Sometimes, during negotiations, mediation fails and bad things happen.

  3. All over the world spiritual leaders meditate. People in convents meditate, monks meditate. Meditation is nothing different than prayer, there is absolutely no difference.

  4. Anytime you mediate you run the risk of getting a black eye.

  5. Satan is a christian god and I am not a christian so since i do not beleive in the christian Satan he does not exist and cannot get to me

  6. Anytime that you are not in your right mind (drunk, under the influence of drugs, or for some people meditation on the wrong things) can leave open a doorway for unwanted spirits and outside influences. There is, however, a phrase that Christians use called meditating on God.

  7. Mediation and Meditation are two different things.  People who mediate can have bad things happen.  Meditation on the other hand is good for the body and mind.  It helps with relaxation and lowering of the blood pressure.  

    Then again there is the catch 22.... it depends on how you meditate, who you meditate with, and if there is a person leading the meditation for a purpose of their own.

  8. No bad things can't happen. At its simplest, meditation is simply clearing your mind and being aware of your inner self.

    You'll find that many Christian saints/mystics practiced something similar.

    Add: Rofl cosmo. I can't believe I didn't notice that typo.

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