
Is it true that when you have a red vehicle you are charged more for insurance?

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Is it true that when you have a red vehicle you are charged more for insurance?




  1. I insure my cars over the phone or internet and they don't ask the color of the car.

    It does seem that red car drivers get stopped more by the police.

    I had a friend who called the color "Arrest me red."   LOL

  2. Color of the vehicle makes no difference to insurance companies.  Problem with red cars is that they stand out & your more likely to get tickets.

  3. Yes. I'm not sure what the reason was but I think it was because red car drivers are more likely to get into accidents.

  4. No it is not true.  In fact they didn't even know or ask the color when I got a quote for insurance when I bout my car.  After I picked a red one, they lowered my premiums because it was a wagon.  I told the lady I was worried it might be higher because it was red but she said that's a myth and she wasn't even aware what color it was.  Stick with a reputable insurance company and you won't have to be worried about things like that.

  5. Thats a myth. There is no difference no matter what color your car is. I drove a red truck for 13 years and a red car for 10 years and got no tickets. Red cars dont get tickets, bad drivers do. And also most ins co dont ask car color anymore as they can tell the color by the VIN# All colors cost the same................UJN

  6. It depends on the insurance company actually. Some insurers have found that if you have a red car you're more likely to be involved in an accident and because of that  your premium may be higher. Why ? Because more show-offs use red cars, so these drivers are more likely to put their right-foot down. There are also some other colors taken into account like black - black cars are more likely to be involved in accidents at night.

  7. red cars are comunist

  8. my experience is that i was charged for my age.  lack of experience when i was a young driver and for the infractions i racked up....   speeding   running red lights/ stop signs. etc. not for the color of my car.  

  9. No. Insurance companies only go by vehicle type. Now if you have a custom finish, that could cost more after an accident because of the increase int the cost of repairs.

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