
Is it true that when you lie your pants go on fire?

by  |  earlier

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I haven't lied for days from fear of my pants burning. Please help I want to know before I risk being burned alive




  1. LOL! It's just an expression nothing more.  

  2. naughty person.your lies will soon catch up with you and your pants..........

  3. As the rhyme says "Liar, Liar, pants on fire, hair stick up like a telephone wire"

    Best to tell the truth.

  4. I told a few lies today and now my pubes are singed.

  5. Your pants don't set on fire when you lie!

    Everyone knows that

    But no your pants will not set on fire if you lie. Its just a child-hood rhyme.

  6. i dont understand dumbasses like u asking these stupid questions. do u find it funny, cuase its really not.

  7. Trust me.  It's not worth it.  I have the second degree burns to prove it.

  8. Just keep a fire extinguisher handy and you should be fine.

  9. 'Course it's true ; )

    -smothers fire-

  10. Yes, it is true. When you lie receptors in your brain send signals to your r****m resulting in heats of up to 2000 degrees celcius blasting from your nether regions, incinerating anything you may be sitting on at the time. So you should always remember that 'honesty is the best policy' .

  11. What do you think? Of course not! You are so gullable, guess what? Gullables not in the dictionary!

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