
Is it true that while your exercising...?

by  |  earlier

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and your stomach is are burning calories?

my friend at soccer told me this and i wasn't sure.

is it cold WHERE your burning calories? or just caolories in general?




  1. I don't think so to be honest

    Theres no way to find out where u burn your fat and stuff :(

  2. i don't know but i know you lose your calories evenly Everywere not just in one place

  3. This is a weird question. If you mean that exercising on an empty stomach burns more fat you are correct. You can't spot reduce, EVER. Not anywhere or anyhow, regardless of something being cold or hot. If you want to burn more fat, and have more effective fat burning sessions (i.e. Weight loss) try exercising first thing in the morning before breakfast. You'll burn calories from your reserve supply inside your body versus just burning off the last thing you ate (Carbs!)

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