
Is it true that women file 80% of divorces?

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I had someone send me this stat. If true, why?




  1. 80% in marriage the woman is the one that suffers.

  2. I didn't realize that; however it makes sense in societies where women are allowed to work and have their own lives instead of being trapped by society in abusive relationships. Isn't it better for both parties if a man doesn't have to support a woman who hates or dislikes him?

  3. No

  4. Yes it is true, though it would depend if you refer to a state country or total average. BUt definately more than half are filed by women.

    Why ? If she files for divorce she gets rid of something she does not want and gets money.

  5. yeah b/c women GET FED UP!!

  6. My husband filed and paid for his.  He knows some other men who did the same.

  7. Sound accurate - but that's because men are more prevalent to cheat & get caught and after the wife gets tired & fed up - she leaves & gets divorced!

  8. Most likely! Men are to lazy, it would never get done!

  9. Idk but I think people need to try to work marriages out more often.  It's not just dating someone.  It's a serious commitment with someone for the rest of your life.

  10. 99% of statistics are full of c**p.

  11. Id have to say that's true. I have dated so many(hundreds of) divorced women and about 80%(or more) of them told me they filed for divorce.  

  12. probably becuase they married a cheater

  13. According to a statistical study, the number of single men who are divorced is 913,000, and the number of single women who are divorced is 3,392,000. So I'd say men are doing the divorcing more than women.  

  14. I don't know, but I do know that there are a lot of people out there that did not listen when they stood at the alter & took those vows....

  15. Ask your friend where s/he got that number and question the statistic by researching it yourself.

  16. Men are too cheap to file...


    Who knows.

  17. Most statistics are false or misleading. Who sent you that?

  18. Let's say that is true.  I am too lazy to check.

    If it is true, what it means is that in today's society women are more empowered to control their destiny.  There was a time when there was such a stigma to divorce that women would stay with their husbands if he beat her, cheated, raped her, you name it.  There was so much shame in divorce, and being formerly married was a very low social status (for a woman).

    So the fact that women now feel empowered to take control of their lives is great.  It's good to see them doing so.

  19. 80% of divorces by women and the other 20% they just goning cheat on their mate.  

  20. A lot more men would do it, but their wives wouldn't let them.

  21. Wow, idk, but if it is then wow. Marriage is not as serious as it used to be anymore. I think that people get married for all the wrong reasons nowadays!!!!

  22. Yes, thats right because women cant take it when passing through bad time. As you know women are weaker than men. So, when they have a fight with their husbands, they just rush to file a divorce instead of thinking with a cool mind and working things out.

  23. Because women are more inclined to complete what they start when it involves domestic chores. Men on the other hand never get around to filing the paperwork.

    Also, women usually find someone else to mate up with quicker than men do, so they want everything in order when that man pops the question.

  24. Not sure, But I did  xox

  25. In my case it was true 100% of the time.  2 marriages, 2 divorces - I filed both times.

  26. cant say the % of them but on a scale from 1to10 i would rank them as a 9 and a 1/2...why you may ask well its mostly from the players who call home saying their working late and for the 1s that cant fill their desires with their wives so they cheat like the players...none of my bussiness but you getting/or afraid of being divorced...and for the women who file the divorce papers good for you take it all and i do mean all of it they dont deserve to live under a bridge a rock maybe but no bridge

  27. Well I am the one that filed for both of my divorces.

    I would say that the woman is more likely to end a relationship than the man.

  28. Guess so? Women are very sensitive and any kind of unhappiness in a marriage, women will be the first to feel that. Unhappy women = Unhappy with husband = Unhappy with marriage (as husbands don't gives a d**n) = Wants a divorce

  29. NO. its more like 50/50 it changes from country to country but its not 80 in America. but 80% of all women that are in prison are there for killing their husbands

  30. That is the percentage I read, also. I believe it is close to that figure, but that does not mean that men are only 20% to blame. On the contrary, a lot of women are driven to file for divorce by their husbands. The husbands could be abusive or cheating (infidelity). They may want the divorce just as badly, or more so, than their wives, but would rather not be the one to file. That way, they can appear as the injured party and say they were in it till death do they part but the wife divorced them. They also may be quite happy with the status quo because they are in control and have everything the way they want without regard to the wife's feelings. Some of these men will never admit that they were in the wrong and will always blame the wife more. Some probably really believe this to be true.

    This is not to say that this pertains to all men, as some women who file are just as much or more to blame than the husband is. In addition, I believe there are also some women who drive the 20% or so of men to file for divorce, too.

  31. That could be true. I am getting ready to divorce my husband.

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