
Is it true that women who have red hair should not go to mexico, or they risk bad things happening to them?

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I read that the male mexicans can't control themselves when they see a chick with red hair, very bad things can happen, so such women shouldn't go down there?




  1. Wow..............

  2. good joke, but i`m not laughing. I see people from the usa, especially women, and i don`t pay heed, since most of them are untidy looking, You don`t know Mexico, but here are a lot of Beautiful Mexican Women and they at least have a regular shower.

  3. Hola. I have red hair and have lived down here in Mexico for a long time.  I have no idea what you are talking about.  Sure, I get the usual machismo cocky attitude occasionally, especially if I try to do something without a man, simple things like pay the electric bill, or buy a fridge.  They can't quite understand how I could possibly do this, since I am only a woman.  But other than the catcalls, or occasional comments, I don't have problems.  I think its a myth...what you are thinking about.

  4. I read the stupidest question.  Guess whos.

  5. Come over here to Tj and I'll let you know personally, inche gringo...

  6. OMG, this question has to be a joke

  7. No, it isn't true. Mexicans are not more likely to lose control over a woman (red haired or not) simply because they are Mexican.

  8. as in the u.s, people from all over the world settle in mexico. mexicans are a mix of european and the indigenous ppl that lived in the area known as mexico today. some mexicans have mostly european traits and features while some are of mostly indian...but most fall somewhere in between. red haired ppl are as common in parts of mexico as they are in the u.s....over the years mexico has had its fair share of irish immigrants as well.    ive also dated red haired women in mexico...and i was able to control myself, thank you very much.  i think mexican males stare at american women in mexico more for how they act and not what they look like. american women are viewed as promiscuous and lacking modesty. mexican women dress more appropriately when the situation calls....  whereas, american women in mexico are usually on vacation and see nothing wrong with walking down the street in a bikini.

    that question is like in the 30s before the marijuana laws banned cannabis in this country...  it was reported in hearst newspapers around the country that marijuana (which was in the past spelled marihuana but had the j added for mexican effect) when smoked made mexican men lust after white women!!! and they couldnt control themselves...insecure much?? hahaha one wants your women. mexican women are hotter anyway! ive known white and mexican this country and mexico. i prefer brunettes.

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