
Is it true that you americans are are aloud to carry a gun?

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Within Reason, obviacly massmurders wont be aloud guns and i do know that, but here in the UK not even the general police force carry guns only the special millitry police and there guns are large machine guns and there not aloud to carry them unless there called out, is it true that you can just aplly for a gun lisence and if you pass you get a gun? and if so on the streets of cities around size of london like NYC, LA, san fransisco etc do you not think that you could be surronded by people with firearms, only civilians aloud firearms here are farmers and i doubt they carry them around for protection.




  1. No, Americans can't carry guns aloud. . .they have to do it quietly.

  2. Yes we can carry a gun.

    Criminals will have guns if they are lawful or not.

    We need to be able to protect ourselves.

    I often carry one.

  3. Generally, no. It depends on the state to pass laws, within the national constitution, that regulates carrying a weapon. Many places prohibit carrying a concealed weapon. Further, even in those states that do allow it, it's not easy to get a permit. Background checks are necessary as well as a waiting period. That isn't to say that obtaining guns illegally isn't much easier. Few criminals go into gun shops to buy their guns.

    I thought the regular police officer in London were now carrying weapons since it is getting increasingly dangerous there or did that just go to the detectives?

    Sorry, I didn't read the rest of it. Yes, I think the laws are OK, but I don't think that people should be carrying concealed weapons nor do I think that most people should just have a gun for protection. More often than not, those who do that don't have training and end up either shooting a relative they thought was an intruder or the intruder uses the gun on them. This is according to my father who was a police officer in Philadelphia for 26 years.

    No, I don't own a gun and my father always emptied his gun when he came home from work, kept the bullets in a separate place from the gun, and kept the gun in a lock box.

    Honestly, the states regulate gun ownership. Yes, the Second Amendment does say that citizens have the right to "bear arms," but states still regulate how that is carried out. They cannot prevent a citizen from owning a gun but they can regulate who gets a permit and what it takes to get one.

    For instance, my brother, who has been a police officer in Philadelphia for almost 20 years and, as such, is allowed to carry a concealed weapon cannot take his weapon with him to New Jersey because New Jersey does not permit that even by law enforcement. Sad that so many people are so unaware of how things actually work.


    It's called the Second Amendment, and it is the main reason that we will stand a fighting chance when our would be invaders arrive. There will be a day when the police will not be able to protect us, and will possibly be the ones who come for us. There are many Americans who will not let that happen.

  5. It is true that you need to apply for a permit for handguns, anyone can own a long gun like a rifle or shotgun. No permits are needed for long guns. You can buy them at garage sales and newspaper adds. Felons are not supposed to own guns, but nothing stops them from buying them second hand. I support our right to own guns. I enjoy hunting and target shooting.

  6. 1.Yes, it is true.

    2. "The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."- Thomas Jefferson

    3. I own guns, but am not on the police force.

  7. In Texas, if you pass a background check, you can get a permit to carry a concealed weapon. And I have no problem with it.

  8. Consider this my British cousin; thanks to that little skirmish we had with your countrymen about 230 some odd years ago, we adopted the right to keep and bear arms as part of our sacred American Constitution.  What we have found all these years later is, quite simply, an armed society is a polite society.  Yes, we have the occasional fool who abuses the right to own guns, but in your country people kill each other by other means, and I don't think the dead person really cares how he/she died; the only empirical issue is that they in fact died.  After all is said and done I would much rather see the old, the weak and the infirm be able to protect themselves against a well muscled raging bully with a gun in hand than not.

  9. Yeah, if you have a gun license then you can carry a concealed firearm around except for in government or educational institutions.

    I personally like it because people can defend themselves and it doesn't matter with crime because criminals use illegally bought black market weapons.

    And no, I do not own a gun.

  10. 1) With the PROPER PERMITS, anyone and everyone has the right to bear arms.

    2) Yes, I agree with this.  I think it would be terrible if it was illegal because all the honest people would not have guns and the criminals would still find ways to get them.

    3) No, I do not own a gun.

  11. The laws are a little different around the USA, but most states do allow people to carry guns. You do not have to be a police officer. You just have to have a clean record. I live in the Seattle area, which is a fairly decent sized city, and anyone can buy a gun and carry it without a license or anything like that. It is your RIGHT to keep and bear arms here. And guess what? There is little to no crime or murder here as a result. All the criminals move to cities where guns are banned because it is easier for them to victimize innocent people there.

    So yes I completely support the right to keep and bear arms and I don't believe there should be any gun laws. It has always been a right here to own a gun since the beginning of our country. This is nothing new. I own quite a few guns including an AK-47 and UZI. There are no wild west shootouts in the street here like the anti-gun people think. An armed society is a polite society. Most people conceal their handguns and you don't even see them. The murder rate in my city is much lower than in London. What the people in other countries don’t seem to understand is that all of our high murder rates happen in cities where the guns are banned or heavily restricted, not in the cities that allow guns.

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