
Is it true that you can feel a climate change when being around a paranormal?

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Well i have been feelin cold lately as a matter of fact i am wearing jacket right now but anyway i have been seein faces and have been having premonitions. So can someone fill me in on the paranormal climate changes or the premonitions i have been having?




  1. as a matter of fact, i think it could be possible.

    here is y i think so:

    in jan. my grandma died and in my house and 4 some reason,

    everytime i  talk about her on the phone or internet, i get a sudden chill.

    not to freak u out  but if u have been seeing faces and having premonitions then i would think that u are encountering a ghost.

    hope this helps!    (:

  2. Yes, the climate may change in the presence of spiritual activity.  Recently, our group experienced a 12 degree temp decrease within our sacred circle.  It lasted for several minutes.

  3. Climate:

    the composite or generally prevailing weather conditions of a region, as temperature, air pressure, humidity, precipitation, sunshine, cloudiness, and winds, throughout the year, averaged over a series of years.

    To answer your question - No.

  4. Yes of course the the tempature can change when a spirit is around.  It doesnt always happen but it most certainly can.  

  5. as a matter of fact, yes, u do feel the change in climate when u r around a paranormal being, aor even a paranormal environment!!

    there r huge magnetic, and other super-natural energies radiating from them, the effect is so huge that sometimes u feel the climate-change around u, sometimes even unexplained incidents take place around u, if the energy is very vast

  6. Yes it does. When demons come around a person oftentimes the person feels cold. My best advice woould be to pray asking Jesus Christ to protect you and your family. Then you need to command those demons to leave your house immediately in the name of Jesus Christ. Make sure there is no occultic object in your home as it could attract them. I would also advise you to ask a pastor for help. You said you have been having premonitions? But what about? Do you know that demons can give people premonitions especially bad ones in hope of it coming true or to frighten the individual? Take care and God bless!!!

  7. yes

  8. About what Blahh said...that's happened to me before several times. One time ....I said something bad about my x husband...and this big chill came over me . I thought "What was that??!!"...Later on that day I found out he had died in an accident.

  9. yea

    after my grandmother died, when i spent the night at her house it would get really cold in the room she used to sleep in...i'm not talking about a little chill i'm talking many comforters plus jackets cold

  10. its really nothing to be scared of,

    but if you are really scared.(house haunted, people dead, or whatever, move somewhere elese and pray. go to church! (:

    always be in light, dont be in the dark.

    im not being superstittious. its just how things work sometimes.

    the reason why i know:

    when we look at houses on sale, and go inside with an agent, sometimes you get a chill and feel all weird inside and out, and then when we ask the agent she tells us that someone died in the house so they sold it.

  11. Yeah, I see faces a lot. That's someone showing themselves to you. Like leaning over and going, "hi!". lol

    Climate changes... yeah, I used to get cold a lot. I have spirit animals here, used to have about three cats. One would sit in my lap, the other two on my feet. How did I know? ICE cold feet. Like standing in the snow barefoot cold, not just "I'm chilly who left a window open". There's a distinct difference when there's a spirit around.  

    Premonitions I'm afraid I don't know much about, as I don't get those...  

  12. Get someone to help you make sense out of what you are experiencing.  Once you sort out whats  because of explainable things then you can decide with what to do about the unexplainable.  Try to find reputable sensitives in your area to help you deal.

  13. yeah it is true.Its something called a cold spot.if you go into one part of a room,it could be warm,but walk to another area of the room and its freezing cold,and normally where its freezing cold,it is usually a sign that there is a presence of a spirit.When you get premonitions,it could be from the past or the future.I have premonitions too,as well as seeing faces,and some other things.

    Well thats all i can really tell you SORRY ^_^" but i just hoped i helped,because i know what all that stuff is like.

  14. This is what I found:

    Cold spot is a term used to describe an unexplained area of localized coldness, or sudden drops in temperature, that are said to be the result of paranormal activity.

    The temperature variances observed in cold spots is said to be the result of ghost or other spirit-like entity using up local energy (including heat) in the process of manifestation, or in order to fuel some other form of activity.

    Ghost hunters often carry infrared thermometers (which can only detect surface temperatures, rather than ambient air temperatures), to detect and document the presence of cold spots in the ambient air of locations that are reputed to be haunted.

  15. Yes it is true that you feel climate change while being around a paranormal.

  16. You are experiencing what is commonly referred to as a 'cold spot". A cold spot is thought to be an entity that is pulling the energy from its surrounding atmosphere in order to manifest itself.  The result of pulling this energy is what makes the cold spot.

    I do not want to discount your experiences, but in order to say what is happening to you and around you is paranormal, them you must rule out all possbile natural explainations.  If you have no drafts in your home, if you have not been ill (think along those lines and apply your circumstances to them) then start looking at the possible paranormal explainations.

    When you exerience these things, try making some pictures around you.  Sometimes you can pick up noises,etc with a voice recorder.  if you get results from these that you cannot explain naturally, let a group in yout area look at the photos or listen to the recording and see what they think.

    Good luck to you there, and keep us abreast of what is happening with you.

  17. Sacramento Mom took my answer. Her answer is the best. Trust me. lol : )

  18.   It's caused by SUV's lol.

        Actually one can feel cold spots and measure them in hauntd places. Of course mundane explanations have to be eliminated. A ghost can cause a temperature drop when present ,sometimes ,especially if it is attempting to manifest, or cause other phenomena. The theory goes that when they draw energy from the environment, it causes a heat loss .

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