
Is it true that you can go to University/College for free in Ireland if your Irish?

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If so, I have Irish decent like way back, no one realy know about it, from mom's side. Do you think I could go to school in Ireland for free?

Also, Is Ireland cool and should I consider going to school there? I"m hopin whoever answers is Irish but whatever helps, just thought of this about an hour or so ago




  1. First off how are you going to prove you are of Irish decent?

  2. Not sure, but if you are Canadian you can (and get free health care too) If you live in California, you can go to school for free there too.

  3. my Irish friends who reside in Ireland pay for University.  

    by the way so did my canadian and californian freinds.

    Indian decendants however do get a break on tuitions in the USA if they are 1/4 or more and can prove their heritage.

  4. You can get an Irish citizenship only if your grandparents of one generation on either side were born IN Ireland. I'm not really sure about the Rebublic of Ireland, but I know that in Northern Ireland you can go to a university for free.

  5. Yes it is very true!!!

    I was  in Ireland, and have an Irish friend over there who goes to school for free because he is a citizen.

    It is pretty cool that they have it that way.

  6. Technically it's free, but we pay what is called a registration fee which this year was E800. You definitely would not be able to go to college for free in Ireland. Seeing as you are a Non-EU student it could be quite pricey, particularly depending on what subject you want to do. For example Dental Science is E25,000 a year for non-EU students, while for EU students it's nearly E8,000, in Trinity College. A business subject would cost almost E13,600 a year for a non- EU student.

  7. Irish university is not free. Also, to be considered Irish your grandfather or grandmother needs to be Irish, so it can't be from "way back." Ireland is a nice place, but if you want to go to school in Ireland, be prepared, because its very different from the U.S.

  8. college/university isnt free, but the goverment pays for around 2/3rds of the fee meaning you only have to pay 750euro for the year and if u can also be acceptable for a grant which can be up to 2000euro a year (certain terms), college is great in ireland loads of craic,

    however not sure if u wld be eligible for all these even if u prove u've irish decendent,(hasnt everyone), irish students parents have been payin taxes and all sorts to the goverment for years and therefore deserve low fee's,

    accomodation can also be very expensive

    hope this helps

  9. Hey there,

    The assessment for fee payment is mainly based on residence requirements.

    If a UK or Irish citizen was out of the EU for >3 years of the previous 5 years they are classed as an overseas student.

    Even if you were to acquire Irish citizenship, which does not sound likely, you would have to be normally resident within the European Economic Area for three years prior to entering university.

    Read this link to this  Irish University page on fee assessment for more. It explains all the status types and fees/charges

    Good luck !

  10. LOL  no free college

    Yes Ireland is cool in both ways hip and temp wise except in the summer when it is gross weather. No you shouldn't consider it unless you have wealthy parents cause you won't get a work visa for long enough to graduate.

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