
Is it true that you can take a DNA test to find out your heritage?

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What I mean is, what will it show? I saw a show once where celebrities were doing DNA testing to find out what part of Africa their ancesters were from. Hope I said that right. If you can, how much would it cost?




  1. Yeah, my adopted step-dad did it for like 80 bucks and found out he was like Norweigan. He's a very odd looking man so we were all pretty curious. It even gave him a list of other people that had the same results and he thinks he found a relative...weird...

  2. I had it done. It was quite expensive but worth it as I am interested in prehistory and it showed me my deepest maternal ancestor in Europe-back 17000 years. I could only have the mtdna done as i am female and have no male relatives from which I could get dna for the Y chromosome test.

    My great grandmother was from Ireland in the 1800's\(my oldest known maternal ancestor) and my dna turned out  to be T2, also known as Clan Tara,which came out of the Near East, settled in Tuscany Italy around 17000 years ago, then spread over Europe with a particularly high amount found in Ireland & Western Britain (and another strain in eastern Europe). About 9 percent of Europeans are in my 'clan'

  3. There are some places that do that.

    The testing that they do can show a bunch about your heritage right down to where your ancestors were from (in regions). It costs a bunch too, but it varies from where you go to get the testing done.

  4. Prolly alot, it takes alot of time and yes they can do it

  5. the probly can the price depends i guess on where u r

  6. Yes and the cost varies from lab to lab.

  7. Yes, you can!

    I'm from Italian ancestry and some of my Italian  friends have done it with DNA TRIBES and it is about  $150.00

    Discovering your genetic ancestry is quick and easy with a home DNA testing kit. DNA is

    collected by lightly brushing inside your cheek and then returned by mail for lab processing.

    Hope this helps.

  8. My mom did it, it's called the Human Genome Project. I forgot what it told her, but it didn't tell her anything I was interested in. I wanted to take the DNA test that says what percentages of every ethnicity you are. They can only really do it for men, they trace the Y chromosome. Women have XX, men have XY.

    Women can still do it, as my mother did, but you get a different type of report as the result.

    It cost $100.

  9. It is not certain that you will recieve the results you are looking for.  Basically, what this is is a collection of DNA tests that are done to find six or seven genes of commonality linked to DNA from an ancestor.  If you don't have any links to the DNA database provided for that particular lab, then the results are null.  The results are usually linked to the larger families that would have many more offspring or a family that had detailed records kept of purchasing/selling of slaves.

  10. You can but more than likely it's probably very expensive.

  11. Yes.

    Huge programss.

    It'll show EVERYTHING.

  12. Yup I saw something about it on TV and i wanted it, but whenever I get a spare 100 dollars

  13. I don't know! I just felt like answering it!! </3

    (but for your own safety, i'll say yes)

    This message will self destruct in --------------------- centuries.

  14. Anthropologists have been using DNA data to determine in what part of the world we might have originated.

    Yes, it is possible to do so provided there is a DNA data base upon which to compare your DNA.

  15. yes but its probably pretty pricey.

  16. Yes it is true, it gives very rich information about your deep ancestry and it's relatively expensive but affordable. The cheapest price you can find is around $150, but the information they will give you will have disputed accuracy. If you want dead-on-target results than you should definitely get the expensive option which is around $4,000- but prices vary.

  17. I think so but i think you need to have more than just you i think you may need another family memeber to help determine it!!

    ♥ Skye ♥

  18. idk but thats cool if u can

  19. I belive there is but i think it costs a lot!

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