
Is it true that you can train cows where to poo?

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A colleague just told me he had a friend who successfully trained his cows to use only a certain spot to, er, relieve themselves. Apparently, they prefer water for that purpose, i.e., a puddle or pond or something like that.

What I want to know now is how you do it. What do you need to do with the cows to "potty train" them? Has anyone done that or seen it?





  1. yeah, you can, but it's very time consuming.

  2. If you have very limited objectives.

    Dairy farmers with cows in stanchions have a trick of putting an electric fence wire well above the backs of the cows. then a wire is dropped to a light rod that is adjusted to be a couple inches over the cow's back. when the cow goes to arch her back to poo or pee, she gets zapped. She quickly learns that to avoid that she needs to back up as far as the stanchion will allow.

    It takes only about 2 days to have the cows so well trained that even with the fencer turned off they are backing up to relieve themselves, so they do not soil the area they are going to lie down in.

    The herdsman also learns to turn the fencer off before working among the cows.

  3. That would really mess up a cowpatty bingo event!

  4. I think it is possible with alot of interaction.  I had a cousin who purchased a very expensive show horse who was potty trained.  She tugged on it's tail, it would potty in a bucket.  I didn't believe it until I seen it.  And yes, it held it through the night just as a dog would in your house.  Personally, I think it is unnatural & rather silly training.

  5. It has been documented that most livestock tend to urinate and defecate in selected area's of a pasture.  These areas tend to be associated with bedding areas, shade (in warmer climates, which also tend to be their bedding areas), water sources, feeding troughs and mineral troughs.  This leads to "Hot Spots" or areas of higher nutrient concentrations in the soil.  If these hot spots are close to surface water significant pollution can occur.  With this knowledge, some agricultural producers have strategically placed shade, mineral troughs etc in certain areas of the paddock to encourage the cattle to defecate in areas that are not environmentally sensitive.  Much like the placement of trash cans in a movie theater exit to encourage people to clean up after themselves.

    Hope this helps.

  6. No cows are smarter than us , they make us clean it up

  7. Not true,,, a cow goes when the urge arrives

  8. Thats not possible. They are dumb and they'll never learn this.


  9. may be possible if kept under observation, and show animated shows how it can be done highlighting where ever possible!!

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