
Is it true that you cant use a portable air con without drilling a hole in your window?

by Guest65015  |  earlier

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like... i wanted to get a portable air con to use in my room. but someone told me ohh for those you need to drill two holes in your window or wall to let the hot air or water out. is that true?

anyone used one before?




  1. A portable air conditioner is portable. you don't have to drill holes everywhere you go. think about it. LOGIC.

  2. no. i have one you and there's no need for holes. idk who told you that but you should slap them

  3. no most come with sponge pads with a duct hole in to lodge into a half open window. Be warned though - what they dont tell you on the box is that air cons use up a ridiculous amount of electricity AND they are extremely loud

  4. I have one in my room and its in my window. in another room in the house its through the wall. but my friend has hers sitting in the fire place. haha, wierd i know. so i don' think it matters where you put it, as long as you get cold air from it then you're good!

  5. You will not need to drill any holes in your walls or Your window, The portable A/C have a 4-5 inch flexible hose that you place into your window to exhaust the hot air out. You can purchase a kit to mount into your window to accommodate the hose and close off the remainder of the window.

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