
Is it true that you don't have to have car insurance in wisconsin?

by Guest61393  |  earlier

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so, it`s not illegal if you don't have any kind of car insurance?




  1. I don't know about Wisconsin but you can drive, I believe, in most states without actually having car insurance. Now before everyone jumps up and down, let me explain that in those states that allow this, you usually have to post a cash bond of $50,000 or more at a minimum with the proper authorities.  Since most people would rather have regular car insurance and make quarterly or monthly payments rather than give the state $50,000 or more cash for a bond that is required in lieu of an insurance policy, most people do this.

    Now, it is ILLEGAL not to have either a valid insurance policy which meets the states minimum liability coverage OR a bond whose amount also covers those amounts or higher. You MUST have one or the other.

  2. That's definitely false. Try using to compare car insurance rates for all the major providers in your area.

  3. FALSE!!! if run into someone who will be liable and damages? no insurance is illegal in all  50 states.

  4. I would like to recommend you some useful infomation here.

  5. Wisconsin is financial responsibility law state- you do not need to show proof of insurance for stops for whatever. However if you are judged liable for damages you can be required to have insurance to get your driving privileges restored- license will be pulled until damages paid or SR22 insurance got. Iowa was until recently similar, a couple states might still be using that as basis. The specific car insurance is not required, but a general liability insurance policy for business or personal  may meet financial responsibility standards. Know a couple people driving with required SR22 insurance and making payments, a couple walking after 'accidents' they were judged at fault, a couple more driving without licenses. A few drivers I know have liability coverage for any vehicle they drive- owned by them or not owned by them- as part of business, the cars driven don't have proof of insurance cards. Read of 'no fault' states that don't require you to specifically have insurance on vehicle- but if you get into most crashes you can't sue for damages- you accept risk of paying own damages when you get on road. This cuts down court hassles for state.

  6. Yes, that is true, but you still need to meet the "financial responsibility" if you are involved in an accident.  You cannot ride around without insurance, cause damage, and get off scott free.  

    New Hampshire is the other state that does not require insurance.

  7. Yes, It is true that you do not need auto insurance in Wisconsin ( and one other state).  However, If you have an accident, you must prove "financial responsibility".  That is, you must send the state a usually large sum of money, a bond,  that they use to pay damages, if you are at fault.  Any money left over when all is settled is returned to you.  The hassle isn't worth it tho.  it is much wiser to buy insurance

  8. You have to have financial responsibility.  If you do not have insurance, you need to have alternative arrangements to pay for any damages.

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