
Is it true that you have to be built for ballet?

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Is there a certain body structure that works the most harmoniously with the movement involved in women's ballet?




  1. Yes and No for Russian ballet you have to be tall and skinny but American ballet you can be short and a little more chunky=^..^=

  2. kind of, but if you work at it, you'll develop strength and gradually improve.

  3. Hi Spazzmattack,

    Most classical ballet companies look for body types for female dancers with the following measurements:

    Height: 5’2” to 5’8”

    Weight: 85-115 lbs

    Long neck in proportion to rest of body

    Small bust

    Narrow hips

    Small posterior

    Slim thighs that appear to be about the same width as calves

    Thin ankles and long feet

    Small head

    Slightly sloping shoulders that are wider than hips

    Straight back with slim waistline, with torso neither too long nor too short in proportion to rest of body

    Long arms and hands

    Long straight legs with slight hyper-extension and minimal visible muscular bulk

    Well-arched foot with all toes approximately the same length

    Other criteria include:

    Natural turnout

    Long Achilles tendon for deep demi-plié

    Flexible lower back for arabesques and backbends

    Well-stretched hamstrings for high extension

    Squared-off toes for better distribution of the weight en pointe

    The ideal measurements of a professional male dancer are as follows:

    Height: 5’9” to 6’2”

    Weight: 135-165 lbs

    Straight back and slim waistline

    Narrow hips

    Small posterior

    Thigh muscles slightly larger than calves

    Straight legs

    Average head with long neck in proportion to rest of body

    Wide shoulders, without overly developed trapezius muscles

    Torso neither long nor short in proportion to rest of body

    Long arms and hands

    Leg muscles not overly bulky

    Long, moderately arched feet

    The same criteria that apply to women with regard to turnout and length of Achilles tendon also apply to men. However, it is not as important for men as it is for women to have great flexibility in the hamstrings and lower back. Men are rarely required to perform the extremely high extensions of the leg that are considered essential to a female dancer’s technique. For most male dancers, stretching the legs to the point of extreme flexibility is considered counterproductive because it can hinder the development of the strong leg muscles necessary for grand allegro technique, the most important virtuoso aspect of male dancing. Considerable upper-body, arm, and lower-back strength are also essential for men. Auxiliary exercises (such as push-ups) outside the classroom are necessary to develop the extra strength needed for partnering, or pas de duex, work. Weight lifting in excess is NOT recommended as it can produce overdeveloped, bulky-looking muscles with limited flexibility.

    Since men are not required to dance en pointe, the extreme hyper-mobility of the ankle joint essential for female dancers is not as important as a prerequisite for them. Indeed, an overly arched foot is sometimes considered undesirable for male dancers, because it may appear somewhat feminine.

    Common Variations in Body Types


    The two common leg configurations, hyper-extended legs and “bowed” legs, may be corrected by exercising certain muscles and making adjustments in proper alignment and weight distribution. A knowledgeable ballet instructor or a dance therapist should be consulted for the appropriate exercises to help overcome such structural problems.


    IN regard to classical line, neither a short waist or a long waist is aesthetically preferable; but it is not uncommon for excellent professional dancers to have such proportions. Neither type is considered a hindrance to the development of technical strength.


    Beautifully arched feet are not only crucial to a dancer’s line, but are also essential for relevé and/or pointe work. In order to receive a vertical position of the foot en pointe, as well as to rise to a three-quarter position on demi-pointe, the combination of the ankle and the instep must be hyper-mobile. This hyper-mobility is produced by three joints working together: the ankle, the subtalar joint beneath the ankle, and the midtarsal joint. Hyper-mobility is something with which an individual is naturally endowed, and it is highly valued in the classical ballet world. “Good feet” are always noticed in a ballet audition! It should be noted that little can be done to increase looseness in tight, relatively inflexible insteps; the study of classical ballet is therefore not recommended for persons with such feet.

    A simple test for evaluating the suitability of a person’s feet for classical ballet is the following. Sit on the floor with the legs stretched out straight in front of the body. Keeping the knees taut, point the foot, pressing the big toe down toward the floor. If the ball of the foot can reach a point closer to the floor than the ankle bone, the foot is suitably flexible for ballet. The left and the right foot should be evaluated separately.

    Good luck and hope this helped.  Remember, you can always feel free to contact me with further questions.♥

  4. Yes.

  5. Any body type can dance ballet if they work hard enough, but strong, flexible people with long legs are often sought out for roles. You need to have strong muscles to support you through the many leaps. Lean feet also help.

  6. I'd be screwed if that were true

  7. so heres the real world.

    yes. you almost always have to have the body for ballet.

    other wise its soooooooooo difficult to succeed. and you have to work thatt much harder. though some people who really love ballet can dance even with a bad body. its something you have to work through.

    so the conditions are.

    well in legs.

    1. arched feet.

    2. good ankle.

    3. winged feet.

    4. hyper extension.

    5. turnout- hips, knees nd ankles.

    6. flexible ankles.

    rest of the body.

    1. skinny - small hips

    2. small bones

    3. flexible back

    4. long neck.

    5. strong collar bones.

    and then some other gifts are.

    ability to jump




    the above body would be wackkked out.

    and ud probobly see them at the rock school.

    you dont have to have them all. but it helps to have as many as you can

  8. I think various body types can look beautiful doing ballet, but some body types have to work harder than others. If women have hips that allow easy rotation of the legs, muscles that tend to have a good elasticity and tendency to be lean, long legs, medium length torso, medium arches that can be strong and flexible, etc....But there are successful ballet dancers without said qualities...

  9. Not really.  Ballerinas can be of any structure and/or weight. It is due to society today that we have all become accustomed to the tall, thin ballerinas. This is true for models as well. But for your answer no, there is no certain body structure that works most harmoniously.  However, if you are overweight, it may be more difficult for you to do some of the movements and jumps because of the pressure it puts on your joints, but as you continue on you may lose weight and become more muscular.  Ballet is a very difficult sport, and takes more muscle than you would think.

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