
Is it true that you should fill your car with gas early in the morning?

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I heard you should do the following? is it true?

Only buy or fill up your car or truck in the early morning when the ground temperature is still cold. Remember that all service stations have their storage tanks buried below ground. The colder the ground the more dense the gasoline, when it gets warmer gasoline expands, so buying in the afternoon or in the evening....your gallon is not exactly a gallon. In the petroleum business, the specific gravity and the temperature of the gasoline, diesel and jet fuel, ethanol and other petroleum products plays an important role.




  1. the underground pemprature of the fuel is fairly regular, the change in temprature on an avreage day wouldn't be noticable,   the asker of the question ommited to mention, that vapourising liquid reduces the ambiant temprature   same as a refridgerator dose

      mith  BUSTED

  2. Yes it's true. The paragraph explains it completely, so yeah. I've heard this from my teachers too, so I know it's true. But you can also buy it at night because it cools down, but not all the way, so in the morning would be the right time.

  3. yes, always fill up your car in the morning, it is true.

  4. this myth has been around since the late 40's when gasoline storage tanks were just starting to be buried underground. in the early days the tanks were buried just below the surface, and thus temperature did have an effect of the volume of fuel in the tank, but mostly due to the amount of vapor released due to the higher temperatures. these days the storage tanks are buried much deeper to the point where the tanks are kept at a steady 55 degrees regardless of outside temperature, and thus has no meaning these days.

  5. I've heard that too that you should only fuel up in the morning. I've also heard that you should not fuel up while the tanks are being filled or what until your tank is on empty because it stirs up any debris at the bottom of the tank which could be carried into your engine.

  6. that seems completely unreasonable, because sure in the beginning when the gas is "compacted" in the cold underground, then by the time its afternoon your car will be out in the hot sun, and the gas will no longer be in a cool environment, and dont you think that gas will start to expand and possibly blow?

  7. I did that once, then parked a few blocks later for a couple of hours. I came back to find the heated gasoline squirting out around my fuel cap! So on a day that is going to warm up, I don't fill unless I'll be driving for a significant distance to use up some of the gas that will expand when it gets warmer.

  8. yes its true because in the morning compacity is smaller

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