
Is it true that you shouldn't dress up in college?

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my twin sister and i have very diffrent styles. People say I dress cute but it's ussually by wearing mens boxer shorts with a graphic know stuff like that. My sister is a diva on the other hand and gets dressed nice for EVERYTHING. I don't thing she should change b/c it's her personality but I don't think clothes are that important in college like they are in highschool.




  1. One thing I liked about getting out of high school and going to college was not having to worry about style and all that other c**p.  It's not like I did in high school, but I felt like less of a pariah in college (I wore jeans and polo shirts).

  2. Your clothing choices are the first ways that other people perceive you.  If you give the impression that you don't care at all about how you look, you also give the impression that you don't care about anything else, either.  

    College is a testing ground, for lack of a better way to describe it.  At college, you are freer to try things that you weren't able to do when living with your parents.  However, freedom is never free.  If you dress sloppily and come to class looking hung-over all the time, your professors will not give you recommendations, your classmates will not respect you, and the community in which you will be living will think you're just another punk.  It's sad and unfair, but it's true.  You don't need to dress like a diva, but you may want to think twice about wearing men's boxer shorts to class.

  3. if thats what she likes to do then who cares..if she wants to have to get up extra early to get dressed up for classes thats on her.

  4. In college everyone wants to dress like a rebel.   You can do anything you like.  It's fun.  .

  5. When I dressed up for class.. I was treated nicer and kinder by my teachers than my peers. They appreciated the fact it took the time to look nice for their class, and it shows that you appreciate their time better than coming into class looking like u just rolled out of bed, and don't care what you are wearing.

  6. People that dress up to go to college classes get made fun of. Sweats are usually the norm, because most college kids roll out of bed 5 minutes before they have to leave.

    tag is wrong. It has nothing to do with not caring. It has everything to do with staying up the night before studying/doing homework  until 3am. The kids that are hungover don't even care enough to go to class. They're at college to drink.

  7. I think it's important to ALWAYS dress presentable, and not like a slob, whether you are in college or not.

  8. You should dress however you want! Frankly I tried the whole cutesy thing the first month of freshman yr and DANG once the workload hit me I was lucky If I combed my hair in the morning, haha.

  9. i think you should be able to dress however you want.

    it's nice when people take care of themselves, so dressing up is  just fine.

  10. It really depends on the college.  I just graduated from a school where girls wore their Prada and Gucci pumps to an 9am classes, and where pearls are not just an accessory, but a necessity.  This wasn't the "rule", but it applied to a significant percentage of a 13,000 undergraduate population.

    You will find (at least at bigger schools) that pretty much no matter how you dress, you will find other like minded individuals.

    Then there are circumstantial ways to dress...if you are trying to impress certain professors/faculty members, or are trying to gain an internship, it is imperative to dress appropriately.  However, you'll find many people will just throw on jeans and a t-shirt or hoodie when they've overslept in the morning or are really busy with assignments and such.

    And if you want to join a sorority, it may be important to dress a certain way in order to gain acceptance by the girls.  Many sorority girls are very down to earth and nice, but many sororities base membership upon things such as your status, which can be conveyed through the types of clothing and accessories you own.

    It's roughly the same for guys as well.  You will see men wearing slacks and button downs/polos or t-shirts and shorts/jeans, depending on the situation.

  11. Some people need to dress up. Like some people have to wear jewelly. Some people have to be early/or late. It is in their preferred persona.

  12. On college campuses, you will find all levels of dress - absolute scrunges to people who wear a tie or skirt all the time to class.

    Be yourself, learn a lot, enjoy yourself.

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