
Is it true that you weigh less immediately after death than before it?

by  |  earlier

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If it is true, why?




  1. You would weigh less. Your stored O2 would escape,  your bowels would empty, so you would weigh slightly less.  

  2. I'll let you know when I die !

  3. maybe-if you release your bowels & bladder at the tiome of death you would lose some weight righht there I would assume

  4. i dunno, test this theary, weigh yourself, take some pills, then get a friend to weigh u after

  5. Well I work at a funeral directors and have done so for the past 20 years. I have never heard this sort of question before. I see no reason why there should be any weight loss. It is true that occasionally bladder and bowels empty, but this is not as common as people may think.In fact it could well be the other way round, hence the saying "lifting a dead weight" The lungs hold an awful lot of air. If you're in water and the lungs are fully inflated you will not sink. It may be assumed that full lungs give some sort of bouyancy out of the water also. So it could be argued that air expelled after death might well make the body heavier.

  6. Not being funny but - why do you need to know this!?

  7. kinda... when you die, you release your bowels.. so i guess that could cause you to weigh less

  8. Yeh 12 grams apparently... 'the weight of your soul' some say... it's the reason why they named that film '12 grams'..

  9. I would think so as your body fails everything begins to void so you loose the contents of you bladder and bowels so there's some and as you begin to dehydrate you'll loose more

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