
Is it true the Flying Spaghetti Monster Loves us so much he sent his only meatball to be eaten for our sins?

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Also if he loved us so much why are there so much disease, hunger, poverty, hate and so forth in this world




  1. There is so much disease because you didn't do what you were supposed to do like refrigerate those meatballs. You let the pasta get stale. You didn't rotate your stock. You didn't share your meatballs. You were selfish and didn't cook enough for everyone.

    When you don't follow the Flying Spaghetti Monsters commandments, you see the problems that arise.

  2. Heya Ramen,

    Yes, God did send His only son to be crucified for our sins. Jesus was born 2000 and 8 years ago,  during Roman/Italian globalisation in Israel under the rule of an Italian man named Pilate. Look it up.

    We have so much disease, hunger and poverty within this world because people sin. Sin is directly related to the breaking down of all that is good.  Sin, such as hate, pushes God away from people and is a forceful rejection of God by the human. Everything that is good in this world was created by God, everything that's detrimental to the human existence was brought about by man's sins.  As more and more people tell God to "get lost" and push God away more bad things will happen.

    Read the New Testament. It tells us this and it predicts mankind's future. If you look in Revelations, this ancient text will tell you exactly what is going on today and what is to come - an example is the microchip the size of a grain being implanted within the human body.  This microchip has been invented and already implanted in people, such as, the family in the U.S.A. Google it.

    How did a man, 2000 years ago, accurately predict this technological revolution?  Because Jesus is God.

    - Pepper.

  3. You should share your pasta and sauce so everyone may know the joys of FSM.

  4. None of those things are the fault of the FSM. If we cry out to him he will come and rain down his noodly blessings on all. But we do not.

  5. What a touching story. The FSM must surely be the one true meal.

  6. If what he sent was his only meatball, what are we?  Chopped liver???

  7. He's got two meatballs, haven't you seen him?

  8. Yes. The FSM works in mysterious ways.

  9. Well, the Flying Spaghetti Monster theory holds far more weight than that of the Christian god, since the writers of the FSM scriptures are infinitely cooler than Jesus.

  10. No, the Flying Spaghetti Monster can always create new meatballs - unlike some other Gods I could mention

  11. It is the truth! Praise the FSM!


  12. stfu

  13. ARRR! Me fornicatey matey . . . .

    I partook of the meatball.

    And good it was.

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