
Is it true the Navy speaks badly of marines?

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Im going to join the marines in a year or two, and my girlfriends brother is in the Navy. she says that he hates the marines (although he wanted to join them) and i asked her why and she said that he told them while at boot camp and even now, they talk about how much they suck, march while putting down marines, and so on and so forth. is this true? and if so, why?




  1. If you want to see some trash talking, that would be between the Army and Marines.

  2. My friend, who went into the Navy, was always saying, "Why work for the Navy when you can join them?" That was his way of making fun of all other forces, especially Marines.

  3. The Navy and Marines work together and usually have joint bases, I wouldn't say that the Navy speaks badly of the Marines, but my brother who is in Navy said he did encounter a few hard headed marines before.  

  4. It's just a lot of good-natured bantering between the jarheads and us squids.  :)

  5. I wouldn't want to be called a seamen.

  6. He probably trash talked them because something happend that stopped him from joining marines.

    Most members of each force have a friendly rivalry with eachother....most navy guys I met just make fun saying marines are insane......thats about it.

    Army are penned as Ground Stompers.

    Navy are squids

    Marines are Jar heads

    and the Air Force is the Chair Force (my favorite one)

  7. The Marines are part of the Navy (the crests for both the Navy and Marines state "Department of the Navy" on them). Mostly, it's just good natured bantering between the Marines and Navy - and many bases are joint Navy and Marines.

    Furthermore, some Force Recon personnel train with the SEALS (some even go through BUD/S). And the Hospital Corpmans (HMs) function as medics for the Marines, since they themselves do not have a medic MOS. The majority of US Navy amphibious ships are used to haul Marines and their equipment (hence their "gator freighter" nicknames), and Marines sometimes even act as security personnel on aircraft carriers.

    Despite all the banter, there is a very close knit relationship between the Marines and the Navy. Think of them as two brothers. They talk c**p about each other all the time, but when it comes down to it...they'll fight side-by-side.

  8. My Father is a Marine who served in Vietnam and the guy across the street from him was in the navy. My dad has a Marine flag flying in his yard and the navy guy has stuff in his yard. they are always joking around. The guy across from my dad always says " the navy invented s*x" and than my dad will yell " yea..but the Marines are the ones who introduced it to women" . Deep down though..they have a great respect for each other.

  9. That stops when you are out in the fleet.  

  10. This answer is for Doc Jones!

    Thank-You Brother for allowing me to live!!

    Navy Marine Corps Team

    Semper Fi!

  11. I was in the Navy and we say all kinds of things about each other, but it is just a little good-natured rivalry. It isn't serious.

  12. Marines Vs. Army.....

    ..Marines Win :)

  13. I am active duty Navy. While in boot camp we did make fun of marines and all other branches of services but i can tell you that most navy people do not care of you are a marine or not. We had some marines on my last ship and they got along great with the rest of the Navy people. I think its more of a tradition thing. We used to joke about it with the marines.

    MARINES-My *** Rides In Navy Equipment

    but no one took that stuff seriously.  

  14. I was in the Army. I volunteered for the draft, they lined us up and had us count off by twos. All ones went to the Army, all twos went to the Marines.

    My brother was in the Navy and my father was a Marine. I'm not aware of the Navy picking on the Marines. All I know is that the Marines only go where the Navy takes them.

  15. I've never been happier in my life than when I saw a Navy Corpsman coming towards me to render first aid.  As a Marine we will give squiddies a hard time but it's all in fun and we'll only do it to eachother.  If some Army puke comes up and starts in on a Squid he'd have a bunch of Marines pounce him.  

  16. Your GF's Bro has plenty of inadequacies to work out for himself...

    Big deal.  

    Who cares.....

    There Are Two Types of People,

    Marines and Those That Wish They Were!!

  17. navy or marines they work together just get through boot camp and then you can see what everyone is saying its all in fun . your going to see h**l week if your lucky i beleive that marines can try out for the seal team to .  

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