
Is it true the Queen is a descendant of the prophet Muhammed?

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According to Burkes peerage it is - anybody have anymore info?

"Mixed in with Queen Elizabeth's blue blood is the blood of the Moslem prophet Mohammed, according to Burke's Peerage, the geneological guide to royalty. The relation came out when Harold B. Brooks-Baker, publishing director of Burke's, wrote Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to ask for better security for the royal family. ''The royal family's direct descent from the prophet Mohammed cannot be relied upon to protect the royal family forever from Moslem terrorists,'' he said. Probably realizing the connection would be a surprise to many, he added, ''It is little known by the British people that the blood of Mohammed flows in the veins of the queen. However, all Moslem religious leaders are proud of this fact.''




  1. NOPE!!!!!

  2. out for the day are you?

  3. What a load of absolute nonsense.  Even if she was, she wouldn't be pleased because she's the Head of the Church of England and a devout Christian.

  4. that's not likely

  5. The Christian tripe question!

    Haven't heard this one in years.

    CoE bible says God kicked off with Adam and Eve, ergo we all are descendants of Adam and Eve.

    The Qoran an older book than the bible shows the tree of life, (most likely an apple) and the prophets ascendancy.

    Religion, the cross of mankind?

  6. If so, then that would make the Queen an apostate and subject to punishment under shariah, but no, this is just another lie muslims made up to justify their attempt at world domination. Although muhammad was known to have an uncontrolable sexual appetite, so voracious in fact that a verse in the koran (33:50) says muhammad could have any woman he wanted, including his own cousins and all the slave girls, muhammad was not privelaged with being in the Royal bloodline, and to imply so is an insult to The United Kingdom. We all know what insults can lead to, and it's not nice...

  7. This should be in jokes and riddles.

    Total c**p as usual from people like you !!

  8. please stop this non sense, why is it when people have nothing better to say they talk about Islam, a subject most people don't know anything about. Please stop this is an utter lie not to think of all the people you are insulting by this question.

  9. it might be true, but i always though prophet  Muhammed (pbuh)

    was born in an arabic country.

    i don't see how a english royalist could be one.

    it's quite hard to believe.

  10. Given the passage of sufficient time, it's not at all unlikely for bloodlines to mix, and 1400 years is a lot of time. There was a news item a few years ago remarking on the surprisingly high proportion of the population of Europe whose genetic makeup can be traced back to Genghis  Khan, and he was born less than 900 years ago. Not forgetting that every blue-eyed person in the world can be genetically traced back to one person who lived somewhere near the Black Sea about 8000 years ago.

  11. do you believe all u read on the internet? that's nonsense!

    then you still believe in santa claus.

  12. Your source is absolutely incorrect, read your history books, not propaganda!

  13. Seems a tad more likely than being lizard people - oh look David Ike riding a flying pig.

  14. I very much doubt it!

  15. u really believe that codswallop

    its a load of bull****


    just some lonely guy wanting attention by making stuff up

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