
Is it true the new Jonas Brothers album will be sold exclusively on an infomercial hosted by Billy Mays?

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Is it true the new Jonas Brothers album will be sold exclusively on an infomercial hosted by Billy Mays?




  1. I don't think so. I really like the Jonas Brothers but I'm not sure that they will do that. If they do, I have a slim chance of getting it which I don't really care. Ok, I do. But I'm not one of those crazed fans. I don't go to any of their concerts, or put any posters of them on my walls. I'm a silent fan who will support them when they need but will not go all- AHHHH I LOVE THEM. I have done that a few times and I want to change it. Beside- celebrity crushed never did any good to anyone. I'm a true Avril Lavigne fan. I'm so swaying off the question but I thought I needed to tell this.

    So, in the end, no. I don't think so. You'll find out on their website if it's true!

  2. OMG Thats friggen great/  I'd love to see that. (on mute)

  3. That would make them even more obnoxious, wouldn't it?

    I can just imagine the postings from the little fangirls after they read your question.  Of course, a lot of them will have no idea what you're talking about.

    Star for you.

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